The Specter (Horror) of an Ontario Election!


While we wait for the results from Greece why not turn our guns I mean attention to Ontario, the have not promise that is still haunted by the Ghost of Bob Rae.

I am talking about provincial Bob, the former Premier who has gone on the bigger and better things as the Interim leader of the dying Federal Liberal Party.

Why is it Bob is always around when things start to die off.

But I digress.

This week and since April Ontario voters have been haunted ( nauseated is probably a better word) at all the BS coming out of Queen’s Park relative to discussions between Dalton ( I don’t have a clue what I am doing but I sure know how to run a deficit) McGuinty and Andrea ( Will people please quit reminding Ontarians how much my party and Bob Rae screwed up the last time we were in power) Horwath trying to save the Liberals recent budget.

In a stroke of genius ( Genius is a BC word we use to describe stupid things Christy Clark and the BC Liberals do),Horwath walked away from an earlier agreement with Dalton ( Hey I can always run for the Federal liberal leadership if I blow my minority parliament) McGuinty and introduced amendments to the budget legislation that Tim ( I lost an election I should have won) Hudak immediately supported.

This caught Andrea ( I didn’t think that far ahead) Horwath off guard and now the Province of ( Hey western Canada your bloody oil is screwing up our manufacturing) Ontario is bracing for an election in neither wants,needs or can afford.

So where does Bob ( I didn’t run for liberal leadership because I didn’t want to do to Canada what I did for Ontario) fit into this?

The voters are terrorized by his memory and think a snap election could result in yet another NDP government taking a have not province into even greater depths of havenotery (My word).

Here is a comment from one such terrorized voter : Horwath and the rest of her communist/socialist cohort prove once again that when push comes to shove they would rather sit behind the safety of their rock and throw sticks and stones & manipulate the press then really tackle the issue and call McGuinty’s bluff. There is a reason the NDP will never be leaders and it is never more obvious then right now!

Kinda speaks for itself doesn’t it!

Do you think Ontario will be plunged into a needless election and elect an NDP government led by Andrea( She’s a knucklehead along the same lines as Christy Clark) Horwath?

Can you imagine the mess she would make not only of the province but also the country?

5 thoughts on “The Specter (Horror) of an Ontario Election!”

  1. when you think it can’t get any worse kick out McGuinty and let the NDP in, just what idiot leftists would do

    1. Not only that once it was done the same idiots would wish he was still there!

      Thanks for commenting!

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