Tako van Popta to Run in Cloverdale-Langley City? #bcpoli #canpoli #Surreypoli

Will Tako van Popta’s entry into the Cloverdale-Langley City Conservative Eda wipe the smile off of Mike Garisto”s Face?

Rumor on the street today is that Tako van Popta is getting ready to announce he is adding his name to the growing list of candidates running in Cloverdale-Langley City Electoral District.

That would be interesting in that as recently as Thursday night it appeared to many eyes at a Surrey Fundraiser that van Popta was part of the Mike Garisto team.

For those that don’t know, Garisto is also a candidate running for the federal nomination in that very same riding.

Could this spell trouble in the Mike Garisto Camp?

Astute readers of Political Insider will recall I had discussed this possibility back in 2013

This is shaping up to be a very interesting nomination battle.

I wonder who might enter next?

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