The Albatross around British Columbia’s neck, Premier Christy Clark, chose Vancouver-Point Grey to lose her seat in the upcoming general election in May 2013.
That’s the riding she won by a mere 500 votes and judging by the phone calls I got today makes her the InDUMBent!
No sooner had Clark called Alison Redford’s reaction to her demands for the Enbridge project silly than I was reminded that she referred to a suggestion by the leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition,Tommy Mulcair as “Goofy”.
With slang like that how does our Premier expect to get any respect at all.
Clark went on to say that she is fighting for BC. This prompted phone calls and emails along the lines of what does she think we are all idiots?
No matter the outcome of the Council of the Federation this week, Clark comes out once again looking like the chump that she is.
She should have started very public discussions regarding the Enbridge issue ages ago, perhaps at the Western Premiers meeting that she skipped and sent lackey Pat Bell to.
She didn’t and has now created the kerfuffle that has got people talking about the constitution again.
Make no mistake about it, Clark is not fighting for BC. She is fighting for her political life and doing a lousy job of it.
Only time will tell if the lucky voters of Vancouver-Point Grey will do the deed that most folks polled wish they had the opportunity to do.
That would be to show Clark the door at the first available opportunity.
I suspect her BC Liberal buddies won’t give them the chance.
What do you think?