What’s worse: Todd Akin saying “women’s bodies are able to prevent pregnancies in “a legitimate rape” situation and that conception is rare in such cases” or that he is running for a major US office and doesn’t get that he is wrong on so many levels it’s disgusting ?
How can somebody with this intelligence level claim to represent anybody, let alone the thousand of women that live in his voting area.
I imagine his wife must be real proud!
This is not the first time Akin’s has got himself into trouble of this type. ( Out of respect for a very famous clown I am not calling this a Bozo eruption. I would not want Bozo‘s good name tarred and feathered by idiots like this)
He went into the annuals of stupidity when he accused all liberals of hating God.
Given his track record how did this guy win the Republican nomination on August 7th, 2012?
How many Republicans are now wishing they had at least Googled him before they voted?