Yup Tonight’s By elections certainly were a joke, weren’t they!
Tonight Kathleen Wynne and her merry band of Ontario Liberals had their heads handed to them in two by elections that served to put the government on notice that the passing of their spring budget ain’t no gimme.
Prediction: Look for this government to fall and we will get a twofer.
Quebec and Ontario will likely go to the polls at the same time in a dual race of the have not provinces. ( Ask Jacques Parizeau if you don’t believe me )
These defeats knocked a little polish off his so called star as well.( The Liberals just didn’t lose , they got hammered so Justin ( lets fire up a blunt) Trudeau had virtually no buoyant effect on the results.
It won’t be soon enough before Ontario gets it’s general election and Kathleen and her corrupt government are sent packing.
Do you think there will be a spring election or will they get the required votes to pass their budget?
The upcoming by elections in Ontario could be used as a fairly important measuring stick as far as a potential full-on spring election in that province goes.
There is a lot at stake for all parties.
For the Tim Hudak lead Progressive Conservatives these votes will tell the tale of the shape they are in heading into the full on election. Are Hudak’s troubles behind him? We’ll soon know.
For the Andrea Horwath lead NDP these votes provide a chance to be taken seriously. A hammering at the polls here and they are in trouble.
There is a lot of discussions when by elections are called and whether they are important to the government of the day.
With the Forum poll released today maybe the Liberals internal polling is even worse and maybe these elections are more important than we are lead to believe.
Why else would the Liberals trot out Justin Trudeau to campaign at this early stage if they weren’t?
For the Kathleen Wynne lead Ontario Liberals these byelections are all about survival. Should they get their heads handed to them in February it could be a bellwether to defeat down the road.
It won’t bode well for Trudeau either, if he can’t turn the tide!
Only in BC Politics you say? Not anymore with all the goings on on Toronto lately.
Tomorrow, disingenuous Mayor wanna be Denzil Minnan-Wong will finish off his own political career when he brings a motion before Toronto City Council to ask the that the whole matter concerning the Ford affair be turned over to the provincial government so that they will step in and throw Ford out.
Minnan-Wong is disingenuous because he says he is bringing the motion to have Ford removed to clear the air around city hall and not as a prelude to the launch of his mayoralty campaign. This, as anybody that follows politics knows, is a load of opportunistic crap.
Of course he is trying to get a head start on the mayoralty campaign, but he does not have the balls to admit it. He’s just another gutless opportunistic politician who will find out shortly after he proceeds with his motion that he will be lucky if his family will vote for him , let alone find any volunteers Conservative or otherwise to help with his campaign.
Minnan-Wong would be a poster boy for what is wrong with today’s opportunistic excuses for politicians except that after the motion there will probably be enough poster boys and girls from the Ontario Liberal Party trying to present themselves front and center to help rule against Ford and create and even bigger scandal in Ontario.
Can you imagine a bunch of Liberals ( ones who are at the root of enough scandals of their own doing; think gas plants ) being put in the position of making that kind of a ruling over a Conservative Mayor.
No wonder the Andrea Horwath Ontario NDP government is propping up one of the most corrupt governments in Ontario’s history.
It’s not because of what they can pry out of the government to keep them afloat ( gas plants be damned eh!).
It is because 2013 is a bad year to be a dipper!
They got hammered in the recent BC election, got hammered last night in Nova Scotia (no matter how much of a spin Lori Turnbull tries to put on it) and are getting killed in the polls that once gave them a ray of hope.
Should Andrea do the right thing and pull the pin on this scandalous Liberal government rest assured the people of Ontario will either lose their minds and vote in a majority Liberal government or do the sane thing and vote in a renewed Ontario PC team. The NDP will once again be on the outside looking in.
The NDP desperately needs a decent platform to take the voters minds off the failure of that parties government during the Bob Rae years.( the voters will remember, fair or not,the mess the NDP made when Rae was premier just as the voters remembered the problems of Dix’s past).
You get imagine the negative ads in the can about the NDP and Rae days etc.
Nope, If Andrea pulls the pin on the minority government in Ontario she will be another statistic in a bad year for the NDP.
Despite all the blustering and saber-rattling I would expect that there will be no Ontario election until at least the spring, that is until 2013 gets in the NDP’s rear view mirror.