A combination of the inept corrupt BC Liberal government plus a looming massive NDP sweep are more than likely combining to drive young people out of the province like never before.
Clark has done nothing to create jobs nor has she helped with the cost of housing.
The specter of an NDP government with its alarming tax and spend policies ( You will hear more after the election.Don’t expect Dix to say or do anything with such a large lead in the polls), is also contributing to the exodus as young people head to conservative Alberta and Saskatchewan in search of better paying jobs and housing they can afford to live in.
What would you expect them to do? With No job prospects today and even less after next years election most young folks are leaving now to beat the rush next May and June.
Don’t forget about those pesky Liberal gas, carbon taxes,smart meters, higher insurance and hydro.People can escape that by bolting for the confines of neighboring welcoming provinces.
Who would be happy about this?
The moving companies that’s who. I can imagine they are planning for steady growth over the next 11 or 12 months.
Maybe that was Clark’s idea of creating jobs?
Better hurry folks, Dix will find away to tax you on the way out of town.
What do you think?