Mitt Romney adds running mate Paul Ryan and now the US Presidential race gets interesting.
It gets interesting because not only do we finally have a real Conservative to choose from ( Romney and Obama are both Liberals) but also because Romney and Ryan are polar opposites.
Moments ago Romney after hearing Ryan”s plan to cut medicare, he said that would never happen as long as it was his campaign.
Romney of course is campaigning on restoring cuts that Obama made to seniors Medicare.
Ryan’s plan would not restore them.
Ryan has been blunt and to the point on what cuts and what direction the country would have to go to clean up its fiscal house.
The discussions over the next few months will make the run up to the US election very interesting.
Our neighbors to the south are going to have a discussion they have been putting off for some time.
What path do you think they should take: Stimulus or Cut? Romney or Ryan?
Will the two of them last through the election or will there be a dust-up?