The State of Washington Goes to Pot!

Romney: Given tonight’s numbers and my gaffe filled campaign I am on the next flight to Washington State to smoke some of that pot they legalized!

Big news tonight!

Obama wins the election by 100 Electoral Votes and Marijuana was legalized in Washington State and Colorado.

It will be interesting to see the economic implications in Canada for both of these results.

During the run up to the election, polling seemed to show that the women’s vote was going to back Romney.That didn’t happen.

If you read my blog yesterday,I predicted both the outcome of the election and that the women would not support the Republican ticket.

Nobody should be shocked at the numbers tonight.Romney ran one of the most gaffe filled campaigns in US history and both him and his running mate couldn’t even carry their own states.

I will have more tomorrow once some solid numbers come in but I will leave you with this.

The Republicans took on a wounded,lame duck president without a vision for the next 4 years. Obama will now have a free ride as a lame duck because the Republicans will be too busy bickering over what went wrong and who will get the next nomination.

What went wrong was this: In the run up to the nomination Romney was the lesser of all the evils candidate. If the whole party couldn’t get behind him enthusiastically,how on earth did they think the country would?

That and the discussion about religion and abortion. It will bite you every time!

Whether you want to hear it or not, the 2016 election has already begun.

Stay tuned.

This just in: Drive Thru Pot Locations Set to Open in Washington State

US Election Too Close to Call!

US Election: We have a Horse Race!

The latest polls are showing Obama and Romney neck and neck in this coming Tuesday’s election.

There is all sorts of speculation and suggestions on what could happen.

As I related in an earlier post there is even talk of a split White House with Romney as the President and Biden as the Vice President.

It could go down to the so-called swing states. Those states are: Wisconsin,Virginia,Ohio,Florida,New Hampshire,Iowa,Pennsylvania,Nevada and Colorado.

If you live in the Eastern United States or Eastern Canada you could be up late.

There are ramifications for the Canadian Economy too. The Democrats are known to be more protectionist than the Republicans. We shall see.

The other thing that could have an impact on the Canadian economy are the votes regarding the legalization of marijuana. Polls show in the state of Washington,for example,that the pro pot vote might win.

The great Canadian excuse for not legalizing the drug is that it would hurt relations with the US. This of course would no longer be an issue if they voted to legalize. The other thing worthy of note is the BC is responsible for a large amount of sales in Washington.

This would no longer be the case as they would be able to grow their own.

The impact on the BC economy could be quite shocking.

All in all it will be a very interesting night. Political Insider will be there to sort through all the news.

Stay tuned!

What do you think will happen?

Bob Rae to run for permanent Leader of Liberal Party?




Bob Rae ‏ @bobraeMP

Watched Tiger win again and saw a couple of attack ads on yours truly. He came back. I guess I can too. LOL.


Does the above tweet represent Marijuana Bob Rae’s  first public admission that he wants to run to be the official Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada? Was his tweet an ill advised slip of the tongue?

What do you think?

It’s Mulcair ; Now what ?


Thomas Mulcair has won the leadership of the Federal NDP and is the new leader of the opposition , Now what?

He will more than likely move the party to the center and most likely very quickly.

What will this mean to Canadian politics?

First and foremost it will almost certainly force the Liberal party of Canada to advance their own leadership convention.


Because Mulcair and the NDP will devour the Liberals if they get control of the center and Marijuana Bob wouldn’t like that.

Also the interim leader of the Liberal Party,  under it’s constitution,  cannot negotiate a merger with the NDP. They need a permanent leader, it’s as simple as that.

What else?

It will probably force a lot of the extreme leftists that are currently have a home in the NDP to go somewhere else. ( Hello Elizabeth May and the Green Party you belong together )

Anything else?

Yes the right side of the Liberal Party will likely bolt to the Conservatives rather than join the NDP.

That it?

No the Bloc had hopes and aspirations going into today. Thomas Mulcair probably killed them off.

Anything good come of all this?

Yes likely the Liberal Party as you know it is done, so is the Bloc?

Any last thoughts?

Yes given all the mayhem and delays in the voting today , Rebecca Blaikie handle herself well. She is a good President of the NDP and has a lot to be proud of.

Federal By-Election called for March12

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has today called the by=election to file the vacancy left by the death of Jack Layton in the EDA of Toronto-Danforth for March 12,2012.

Voters in this EDA have a history of voting for the two socialist parties the NDP and the Marijuana Liberal Party of Canada.

Even Marijuana Liberal interim Leader Bob Rae held this riding when he was a Federal Dipper back in the late 70’S.

Traditionally governments don’t win by-elections but Layton is probably looking down with more than a passing interest from heaven.

After all,having just been laid to rest,it is a little soon for him to roll over the grave, should the lefties split the vote and the governing Conservatives come up through the middle and win the seat!