After reading the column in the Toronto Star relating Cheri DiNovo rant on her own party ( She’s right, leadership blew the last election and has to look in the mirror) I was taken for a loop at the following paragraph ” Although she applauds Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for accepting Syrian refugees, ending airstrikes in the Middle East, and legalizing marijuana, she nevertheless warns that the new administration “will be an austerity government, with better hair.”
Last time I looked the air strikes were still happening, the refugees (were always accepted) haven’t got here yet and Marijuana has not been legalized.
But if you’d been sleeping or hiding under a rock and read the Toronto Star you would have thought it all fait accompli.
The pot law alone will take time to change, let alone require the house to be in session.
Beside the new government has their hands full with expensive brooches and tax payer funded nannies.
The Toronto Star on the other hand has no excuse and should have in the very least fact checked before this column went to press don’t you think?
This was the election that was the referendum on Stephen Harper.
It was dubbed as the Anybody but Harper campaign.
It ended badly for Mr.Harper we know that now.
The Conservatives, on the other hand will live another day.
The NDP might not be so fortunate.
Before the election was dubbed the “Anybody but Harper Campaign” the discussion centered around whether the left could exist as two bodies and defeat the Conservatives without splitting the vote.
That was put to the test in this election and from where I sat and watched only one survived.
As soon as Tom Mulcair said the NDP stood for balanced budgets they became Harper lite.
Justin Trudeau and the Liberals pounced and said they would run deficits creating a clear choice in the voting public’s mind. Would they vote for Harper and the Conservatives ( Which the NDP was now lumped) or would they vote for Liberal deficits and spending.
While the voters where mulling that over, Thomas Mulcair put what I think was the final nail in his and the NDP coffin.
It wasn’t the niqab ( although that didn’t help him ).
At the September 28 debate Thomes Mulcair shot him and his party squarely in the foot.
Mulcair invoked the death of Justin Trudeau’s father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau.
Trudeau made a passionate defense of his father as would I of mine.
Trudeau took full control from that moment on and made the voters choice easy, a compassionate party with a left leaning economic vision versus two balanced budget parties that were mean.
In my mind the election was over that night.
At the same time the Trudeau Liberals swallowed up the NDP and gave those progressive voters a home they could win on.
And win they did.
Next election the economy will still be the topic ( It always is) but the NDP wont have much to say in the outcome.
It will be tax and spend of the Liberals versus the Conservatives fiscal economic planning.
The Conservatives will have a new leader who will have gotten the message from last night.
There will be no Anybody But Harper Campaign. The fight will be for those new voters who came out this time.
The NDP? There is no longer room for them, they had their chance.
What did you think,I would have a picture of a gun?
To those of us who are old enough to remember; the title of this blog piece is a line from a famous song by the Guess Who.
To those of us old enough to vote that line may well be the ballot box question during the Canadian federal election in October of 2015.
As of right now the cops and the military need guns to protect the people from the bad guys.
Add to that the farmers need guns because they are to far away from the cops and the military to get quick help and you have a formula for a another Conservative party of Canada win.
Everybody always says it’s the economy stupid and this will be no different.
After all if everybody is safe and sound and buying guns won’t the economy just hum along.
What do you think the ballot box question will be?
A book displaying the Liberal party platform used to boost the candidates chances in the Whitby-Oshawa by-election.
Stephen Harper ( the Man who told Putin to get out of the Ukraine) and the Conservative Party of Canada were victorious in both seats in tonight’s two by-elections.
In the riding of Yellowhead in Alberta the CPC won in a romp. The party got about 64% of the vote as of this writing.
In Whitby the race was a little tighter, reminiscent of when Jim Flaherty first won the seat from the Liberals in 2006 for the CPC with 43.86% of the vote. Tonight Pat Perkins got 49.2% of the vote.
But no matter how the mainstream media and the Liberal party try to spin it, the CPC won and the Liberals lost.
The Liberals had a chance to regain a seat they once held and they blew it. Team Trudeau lost .
Make no mistake about it this is a blow to the Trudeau team whose a year out from the federal election and a shot of Adrenaline to the Harper team.
On Occasion I hand out the Political Insider coveted Bonehead of the Month Award and well it’s Thanksgiving weekend so why not hand out a brand spanking new Political Insider Thanksgiving Turkey award.
I know most readers think that this is a slam dunk and that Justin Trudeau will win because he had a lousy week and he is in way over his head.
I have to admit he had his hand on the trophy and just when I thought the award was his he was beaten by a nose by Monica Hargrove.
I can hear it now ;what ,who is Monica what party does she belong to?
Just because I write a political blog doesn’t mean all the awards have to go to politicians.
Monica, bless her heart lives in Columbus Ohio , and wins the award on a number of fronts.
The local police as do police in many locations post on Facebook and newspapers outstanding warrants in hope the public will call and help them apprehend these fugitives.
In this case dear Monica was wanted for armed robbery.
Did the police get a call on Monica?
Yes ,Monica herself called because she was upset at the picture the police used because it wasn’t very flattering.
( if you are thinking smart police,they traced her cell phone and arrested her read on)
The police person who answered the call listened and said that if she didn’t like the picture ” she should come down to the station and we can talk about changing it.”
Firstly my apologies for not blogging for a bit as I have had a pinched sciatica in my back and it has been difficult to sit and type much let alone blog.
The time off as given me cause for thought and it begs the question: Is there any difference between politics and a soap opera?
I recall listening to folks who have said they followed such and such a soap opera for years and nothing much ever changes, that they could walk away for a few months and while a few characters are different the plot is still what and where it was when they left.
While I have been off, Justin is still saying dumb things, pretending he is a leader in a party that is supposedly inconclusive but not including those folks who are pro-life unless of course Justin says its okay.
That sounds a bit like he’s a chip off the ole block head and a lot like his dad was back in the 60’s and 70’s. ( not the pro-life or choice part,just the penchant for saying dumb things)
Meanwhile in the Ontario election, poll after poll is released and says the PC’s are ahead, the Liberals are ahead, the NDP is picking up steam, the NDP is losing steam etc.
Geesh so what are you to believe?
Let’s ask Dimitri Pantazopoulos the pollster who has a penchant for getting it right as he did in the 2013 BC Election;
“Some insight into numbers being thrown around in Ontario:
1. I am dubious of the numbers given the disparity between pollsters (this underlies the comments that follow).
2. The “best Premier” question is meaningless. Only one of the candidates has ever actually BEEN Premier. So, of course she is chosen more often as the “best Premier.” That is a wasted question.
3. Time for a change number and wrong track number would seem to indicate that the ON Lib ceiling is in the range of 30%-34%. This would suggest a PC victory
4. The fact that the NDP are so high, indicate a strong likelihood of another Liberal minority.
Does it sound like I am hedging? Yes, I am. Mainly because of the amount of contradictory information in the public domain.”
So what else is happening?
The Nomination race for the CPC in Oakville North-Burlington is once again clouded with alleged shenanigans.
That’s it right?
Well Rob Ford’s car was spotted out for a drive while he is in re-hab…..
So I ask,is there any difference between politics and soap operas?
Trudeau and Marois the day after they lose their respective elections!
I am half tempted to change this to the bonehead of the day award given how many stupid things come out of the mouths of Justin Trudeau and fellow province mate Pauline Marois.
Which one is the dumbest; the one who wants to be Prime Minister or the bonehead who wants to be Premier with a majority in her province.
Marois slight,not mentioning the word Canada in the hockey teams gold medal winning performance was no doubt am attempt to get ROC and the government riled up and provoke the so-called “winning Conditions”for a referendum should she not blow her mandate the polls say she will win.
Trudeau on the other hand is a natural-born bonehead with all the stupid things he said, with the latest being his crack that the Russia will become more involved in the situation in the Ukraine because of their hockey loss in the Olympics.
Can you imagine this tool on the national stage? How do you spell World War III.
Yup Tonight’s By elections certainly were a joke, weren’t they!
Tonight Kathleen Wynne and her merry band of Ontario Liberals had their heads handed to them in two by elections that served to put the government on notice that the passing of their spring budget ain’t no gimme.
Prediction: Look for this government to fall and we will get a twofer.
Quebec and Ontario will likely go to the polls at the same time in a dual race of the have not provinces. ( Ask Jacques Parizeau if you don’t believe me )
These defeats knocked a little polish off his so called star as well.( The Liberals just didn’t lose , they got hammered so Justin ( lets fire up a blunt) Trudeau had virtually no buoyant effect on the results.
It won’t be soon enough before Ontario gets it’s general election and Kathleen and her corrupt government are sent packing.
Do you think there will be a spring election or will they get the required votes to pass their budget?
Justin Trudeau walks into a Royal Bank to cash a cheque. As he approaches the cashier he says, “Good morning, Ma’am, could you please cash this cheque for me?
Cashier:”It would be my pleasure sir. Could you please show me your ID?”
Trudeau:”Truthfully, I did not bring my ID with me as I didn’t think there was any need to. I am Justin Trudeau, the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada!!!!”
Cashier: “Yes sir, I know who you are, but with all the regulations and monitoring of the banks because of impostors and forgers and requirements of the CIDC legislation, etc., I must insist on seeing ID.”
Trudeau: Just ask anyone here at the bank who I am and they will tell you. Everybody knows who I am.”
Cashier: “I am sorry, Mr. Trudeau, but these are the bank rules and I must follow them.”
Trudeau:” Mon dieu. I am urging you, please, to cash this cheque.”
Cashier: “Look Mr. Trudeau, here is an example of what we can do.
One day, Tiger Woods came into the bank without ID. To prove he was Tiger Woods he pulled out his putter and made a beautiful shot across the bank into a cup. With that shot we knew him to be Tiger Woods and cashed his cheque.
Another time, Andre Agassi came in without ID. He pulled out his tennis racket and made a fabulous shot whereas the tennis ball landed in my cup. With that shot we cashed his cheque.
So, Mr. Trudeau, what can you do to prove that it is you, and only you?
Trudeau stands there thinking, and thinking, and finally says, “Honestly, my mind is a total blank…there is nothing that comes to my mind. I can’t think of a single thing. I have absolutely no idea what to do. I really don’t have a clue.”
Cashier: “Will that be large or small bills, Mr. Trudeau…?
Fyi : I did not write this but thought it was real enough to share…