You should have kept the 1$ Mr.Sheppard!

Not even this man can save Christy Clark

Cue the Music! Dun Dun Du Dun Dun Da; you know the theme from Mission Impossible.

Jim Sheppard quit his $1 per yer job as Christy Clark’s economic adviser to start a support group for the inept Premier.

Firstly who cares and more importantly NOT EVEN TOM CRUISE CAN SAVE CHRISTY CLARK!

Things are that bad that advisers are leaving to start support groups and the election hasn’t even happened yet!

In fact you should be shocked that Sheppard leaving is the biggest news out of the leaders dinner.

Apparently 1700 people in attendance and all Clark and Sheppard could do was go hat in hand and beg them to join a support group.

Without rehashing everything my recent bonehead post,nothing will save Clark or the BC Liberals. Not even a name change.

Add to that the Filipna Folly from last weekend and Clark is toast.

If Mr.Sheppard thinks he can pull an end around on John Cummins people he doesn’t understand what is driving the BC Conservative and the people that support them.

It`s the same thing the electorate wants and Clark and crew can`t provide it.


Reaching out to the so-called invisible people who Sheppard referred to is akin to telling the electorate that the hidden elite will be enough to prop up Clark’s tired Leadership.

All the smoke and mirrors and BS will not save Clark and anybody associated with her government.

As Alex Tsakumis says your Premier is a dummy and as I consistently say your government is through.

What do you think?

Christy Clark and The BC Liberals:Catalyst for Failure!

Brad Wall a Great Leader, Christy Clark out of her league

The government under Christy Clark and the BC Liberals brings to mind the sad tale of Emperor Nero in the stories of ancient Rome.

You remember the tale told that when Nero fiddled Rome burned.

Well guess what and her team are fiddling BC is catching fire.

Evidence of that would be their incompetence on both the Catalyst and the Dutch Elm disease files.

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall is making a name for himself with his adept handling of the issue with an intellectual argument showing Leader Mulcair statement would result in higher resource taxes. In an even smarter move he asked Mulcair to explain what he meant.( Was this to be a revival of the National Energy Program? More carbon taxes?)

What was BC Premier Christy Clark’s response?

This is goofy!

This leads us to events this week and the cover up and abomination that was her non-attendance at the Western premier summit and her mishandling of the Catalyst file.

Clark’s excuse for not going to the summit was that she had business to attend to in BC. In her place she sent accomplished liar Minister Pat Bell.

She introduced the costly Family day holiday that most people in the financial district won’t be able to take and most small business people will have to pay through the nose to finance.

This was a total shell game in that Clark sent her jobs minister who has been lying and covering up her governments incompetence handling the problems with catalyst and the large amount of jobs at stake.

Why? So he would not have to face the consequences on the Catalyst File

The swap for her was that she did not have to perform with the rest of Western Canada’s real leaders that would have led to further exposure as the weak lame duck Premier that she is.

Premier Wall showed us that with his actions on the Dutch-file.

This is nothing but a shell game or cover up by a government on its way out.

Premier Clark and her team need to be reminded that governing the province and showing leadership in this country is not a radio show.

It requires a well thought out plan with competent people to carry it out,

This government has neither.

Thank god there is only 11 months left!

What will they screw up next?

What do you think?

BC Liberals:Honest Open Accountable Government; Not!

May 2013: Sweeping Changes ahead in British Columbia.

Honest open accountable government is the mantra that the BC Liberals were swept into power with back in 2001

When they are swept out of office in May 2013 their epitaph will read ” Honest Open Accountable Government; Not!”

To wit:

BC Rail



Shutting down the BC utilities commission

Sneaky RFPs like the current liquor privatization scheme.

These are just a few of the things that are not open or honest but if I read the people correctly, the Christy Clark led Liberal team will surely be held accountable for.

Shutting down the BC Utilities commission deserves an inquiry of its own. I mean, what lurks under the smoke screen of rate freezes that these people trying to cover up?

What about the liquor RFP. If it comes to fruition the way it has been portrayed ( haven’t seen a compelling reason from the Liberals why it won’t) how rotten and underhanded will that be ?

Getting back to 2001, the big joke of the day was that nobody could find anybody who ever admitted voting NDP. Fast forward to 2012/2013 is there anybody out their who will admit to having voted BC Liberal?

Voting: For Politics or Economics?

So there we sit, our GDP low enough to keep us out of trouble but close enough ( 90% or higher) would get us going down a lane we don’t want to go.

This gives cause for thought in that we ( The country) are facing 3 major provincial elections in the next year and a bit.They would occur in British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario.

I have lumped Ontario in the group because although they have just come through a provincial election, it resulted in a minority of tenuous proportions.

With pollsters releasing numbers here at home in BC and 48% of people saying they would vote NDP, the chart above gives me cause to wonder why anybody would even answer that question at this point in time.

With all the problems in the world’s economic situation, why would anybody say they would vote one way or another without reviewing a parties economic platform and seeing how it would affect them?

Why would almost half of the polled people say they would vote BCNDP when history speaks of all the economic mismanagement and mayhem they caused as recently as the 1990’s?

( I know you are thinking the BC Liberals have made such a mess of things we need to give them the boot! We do, but there are other options than the BCNDP) )

In these coming elections, voters need to be better educated than ever. They should review the policies and platforms each of the 3 main parties lists on their web sites.

Go to BC Consertvatives, BC Liberals, BCNDP, or BC Green Party and see for yourself.

Can’t find any policy? Then you should wonder what those parties are trying to hide.

Before you cast your vote or answer pollsters, you as a voter need to decide whether you are voting for politics or economics.

In this day and age the answer should be economics.

What do you think?

Watch this space between now and May 2013 for policy and platform as each party releases it.

Bob Rae to run for permanent Leader of Liberal Party?




Bob Rae ‏ @bobraeMP

Watched Tiger win again and saw a couple of attack ads on yours truly. He came back. I guess I can too. LOL.


Does the above tweet represent Marijuana Bob Rae’s  first public admission that he wants to run to be the official Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada? Was his tweet an ill advised slip of the tongue?

What do you think?

Open,honest,accountable government in BC? Not now……

Gimme a break! Be open,honest and accountable? Why change whats worked for 11 years?

I hate to keep harping on the budget day tweet by the premier,but she had no reason to do that. She could have kept quiet and let Kevin Falcon present the budget and that part of the day would have been fine.

But she didn’t,she lied.

This from a Premier who ran her leadership campaign on open accountable honest government.

It’s not happening and as taxpayers you have a right to be choked.

There are lots of other hidden taxes other than the aforementioned MSP Lie.

Ethan Baron presents some of them in his excellent article today.

Why not come clean and tell the taxpayer what they are. Why do politicians think we are stupid?

50% of the people in BC didn’t vote last time,maybe they are fed up with their intelligence being insulted.

Maybe they want open,honest,accountable government. They are certainly not getting it now!

That’s the shame of it all.

What do you think?

Geoff Plant Speaks” If you grow it it should be legal”!

Hey Martha another day and these suckers will be ready for picking!

“I have always had a problem with the idea that the state should criminalize an act which is essentially no more complex than putting a couple of seeds in your back yard, waiting a while and then, when something grows, you put it in your pocket, you chew it or you smoke it,” Mr. Plant said.

So says Geoff Plant in a recent story in the Globe and Mail.

Problem with that quote is there are a lot of things easily grown.Opium is one. Pick it boil it and hammer back a cup of tea.

By former B.C. Attorney General Geoff Plant’s logic that should be legal too!

What do you think?

BC Liberals Continue trend,Throw Seniors under the bus!

BC Liberals:We are going to need a bigger bus!

The busiest person in the BC Liberal Party lately has been the Proverbial Bus Driver.

To Recap:

The Taxpayers were thrown under the bus with the sleazy introduction of the HST.

Then Finance Minister Kevin Falcon was tossed under the bus by the Premier over the resultant fallout from the aforementioned HST.

Christy Clark has thrown Gordon Campbell under the bus time and time again, when she blames his government for all the mistakes caused by the Liberals.( It’s a given that since Clark has had her fingerprints over a large part of what the Campbell government did,she threw herself under the bus too! She just doesn’t realize it)

Next on the list: New Minister of Justice Shirley Bond. She no sooner said the issue before the courts with the TV cameras was over, then Premier Clark promptly tossed her under the bus with a statement about soldiering on and finding a way to get them in there.

Now comes word, the BC Liberal Government for the last 11 years has collectively thrown the Senior population under that same bus. The BC Ombudsman put together a scathing 400 page report on the inadequacies of the system and presented it yesterday. Worse news is that the Liberals have had it in their hands for some time ( they have had part of the plan since 2009) and have done nothing with it.

Admittedly people like Clark,Campbell,Falcon and Bond belong where they were thrown. But the Taxpayers and Seniors?

It kinda makes you wonder who’s next,doesn’t it?

BC Conservative John Martin Says ” It’s time for a Full Time Attorney General!

BC Conservative John Martin hits the nail on the head by declaring this province needs a full-time Attorney General.

Lets take a look.

Firstly ,Minister Bond,probably still has her hands full cleaning up the mess(es) left behind by disgraced former Ministers Heed and Les over at the Solicitor Generals office,her other part-time job!.

If that isn’t enough to keep any two people busy,the Attorney General’s qualifications are now being investigated by an outside law firm appointed by the law society.

I would also expect Minister Shirley also has her fingers and toes crossed with this weeks visit to Ottawa by Minister Polak in her meeting with National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Shawn Atleo. ( You remember how Minister Polak was taken to court over problems in the Ministry of Children and Family Development)

That is if she has any fingers and toes left to cross after all the problems with the Basi Virk File.

Makes you wonder,when the Minister takes her next call on the Hockey Riot file,if she will remember which hat to wear.

There must be days when Minister Bond feels like she is a at the PNE bashing the rubber gophers over the head with a mallet.

John Martin is bang on,the Province needs a full time Attorney General.

What do you think?

If you are a B.C.Liberal, You gotta be worried!

Coming on the heels of a lousy week in the polls for the B.C. Liberals, was yet another gaffe by Premier Christy Clark. This one happened on Twitter and was reported on-line in the Globe and Mail.You can see the article and Tweets here.

The Premier has a history of speaking before she thinks as evidenced back in the summer by Vaughn Palmer of the Vancouver Sun in his excellent piece of August 30,2011.
The Premier and her staff would be well advised to reread this.

So don’t laugh off her Twitter goof up so fast. This just pads her resume of ill-timed,quick talking mistakes.

Scary as it might be ( If you are a B.C. Liberal or a B.C.Taxpayer) ,this tweet might not have been a gaffe,your Premier might have thought going from 229 mining permits to 80 was a good thing.

How does that make you feel?