More Shoddy Journalism from Canada’s National Newspaper.
29% of Liberal Voters have had enough of their own party so says today’s release of an Angus Reid Poll.
The Angus Reid poll says that if an election were held today 47% would vote for the BCNDP and 31% would vote for the BC Liberals.It goes on to say that the Conservatives and Greens polled?
It doesn’t..
In a slap in the face to those voters and readers who might vote Green or Conservative the Globe doesn’t even bother to tell you what they polled.
Writer Hume says that the poll is based on decided voters. So just what percentage of voters polled were decided? undecided?
Who knows ( other than Angus Reid) because the Globe certainly didn’t share that fact.
Nope the Globe doesn’t think those numbers are important enough to share with it’s readers.
The Globe used to live and die by it’s mantra “Well Written,Well Read”
Lately we have been hearing a lot about the Globe and mail putting up a firewall and charging you for what you are reading ( after a certain number of stories).
To a certain extent I get that.
If you are reading this in a different time zone than that of British Columbia’s , you might not realize that most stories in the paper are available free by about 9 PM BC time.
I cancelled my subscription because I got sick of paying for things ( The highest subscription rates of any paper by the way) that other people got for free.
What confounds me this weekend,( unless I am proven wrong) is that after trial ballooning that they might charge for content, the Globe appears to have missed online 2 of the biggest stories that matter to British Columbians.
Firstly, I can find nothing online from the Globe regarding John van Dongen getting intervenor status on Friday. This from a news source that did reasonable coverage up to the announcement.
Second and perhaps more astounding , I could find no coverage of the bomb threats on the BC Ferries. This threw me for a loop because the Globe trumpets their mobile app. as one of the best to stay informed.
I can only imagine how somebody in the ferry line up would have felt clicking the app and looking for answers.
To the Globe I say, if you are going to charge for online content, pull up your socks and report all the stories.
Otherwise you will not be able to lay claim to be “Well Written and Well Read”; your readers like me will vanish.
So there we sit, our GDP low enough to keep us out of trouble but close enough ( 90% or higher) would get us going down a lane we don’t want to go.
This gives cause for thought in that we ( The country) are facing 3 major provincial elections in the next year and a bit.They would occur in British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario.
I have lumped Ontario in the group because although they have just come through a provincial election, it resulted in a minority of tenuous proportions.
With pollsters releasing numbers here at home in BC and 48% of people saying they would vote NDP, the chart above gives me cause to wonder why anybody would even answer that question at this point in time.
With all the problems in the world’s economic situation, why would anybody say they would vote one way or another without reviewing a parties economic platform and seeing how it would affect them?
Why would almost half of the polled people say they would vote BCNDP when history speaks of all the economic mismanagement and mayhem they caused as recently as the 1990’s?
( I know you are thinking the BC Liberals have made such a mess of things we need to give them the boot! We do, but there are other options than the BCNDP) )
In these coming elections, voters need to be better educated than ever. They should review the policies and platforms each of the 3 main parties lists on their web sites.
What has Christy Clark accomplished? More or less nothing.
Almost a year later, 1 guy is doing hard time. What about the rest ?
Over in London Ontario where they had a riot this past weekend ( Not a football game,just St.Paddy’s day) 13 knuckleheads have been arrested and countless others have been suspended from school.
So rather than refer to our Premier Christy Clark as the Iron Lady , you should ask yourself what the real Iron Lady would have done.
More than likely she would have rounded them up and sent them to some quaint outpost like the Falkland Islands.
Premier Christy Clark:You don't invite me to you job announcement,I cancel your deal.
I had planned for this to be about the government hosing of the taxpayer during the teacher lockout out.
You know,Minister Abbott says we will not speed up the process the bill needs to be discussed hosing while the Premier says “Teachers get back to school your little strike won’t make a difference anyways.”
This is a hosing on a grand government scheme because the Premier could care less whether the teachers work or your kids go back to school.
This is all about optics and the longer the teachers stay out the more the government thinks they will recover a bit in the polls.This is true especially if the BCTF screws up again and pickets in front of government buildings.
This is what today’s blog was supposed to be about but this hosing was interrupted to allow the government to hose you again.
This no doubt happened because the premier had her shorts in a knot over being snubbed by Telus and not getting an invite to last weeks Telus announcement.( Who can blame them,Telus is a family friendly company,she on the other hand has budget speeches read in front of gangsters.)
The government now has to make up $40 million dollars they had counted on and you the taxpayer will undoubtedly be asked to pony up.
You can add that to all the other times you have been hosed by Christy,Kevin and George in the last month alone.( Think MSP,ICBC,BC Hydro and gas and carbon taxes)
So the question I leave you with today is this: Got a spare $40 million we can borrow?
We are working Bell to Bell today! This is entirely seamless and you won't notice anything ,given that's all we have been doing this year anyway!
This morning it was reported that the teachers were instructed to only work bell to bell today.
I wonder how that is different from what they have been doing all year?
Lets face it,they have been refusing those picky little administrative duties like report cards since day one.
Really, how can you take them seriously when they have not been doing their jobs since school started.
A recent Environics poll shows the province to be evenly split. It,is I think is important to note that the teachers commissioned the poll.
When you listen to the radio call in shows,about 90% of the callers want their teacher burned at the stake. Where were these people when Environics called.
I think,the teachers are in for a rude awakening if they vote for a general strike,so is the Labor Board.
Cue the Xfiles music in the elevators at the Labor Board.
Unbelievable; a general strike a few short weeks before spring break is no big deal.
Just what the kids need: a few weeks off followed by a few more weeks off!
The only people to benefit from that will be the liquor stores and pot dealers.
The fact that it got to this point is a black mark not only on the teachers but the BC Liberal government as well!
It should have been dealt with back in the fall.The legislature should have been called back to solve this. Any negotiations and legislation should have been done months ago!
Instead, we have been treated to photo-ops and faux throne speeches by the BC Liberal government.
We have had the usual round of ludicrous demands by the union.
Further proof that this government and frankly the teachers are stale and void of creative ideas.
Gimme a break! Be open,honest and accountable? Why change whats worked for 11 years?
I hate to keep harping on the budget day tweet by the premier,but she had no reason to do that. She could have kept quiet and let Kevin Falcon present the budget and that part of the day would have been fine.
But she didn’t,she lied.
This from a Premier who ran her leadership campaign on open accountable honest government.
It’s not happening and as taxpayers you have a right to be choked.
There are lots of other hidden taxes other than the aforementioned MSP Lie.
I am the Premier and I can fool all of the people all of the time!
The Premier Lied! She went on Twitter in the Morning and said there would be no new tax hikes in the budget and then increases your MSP Premiums. A Premium is another word for tax.
Finance Minister Falcon Shrugged it off by saying it’s only $5 per month ( $60 per year).
In the BC Liberal world it’s only $60,in ours it’s a LIE.
This is just another in a long line of gaffes By the B.C.Liberal Premier.
She promised to do politics different and she starts her budget day with a lie.What could be worse?
Kinda makes you think the Premier is in over her head,doesn’t it?
Kinda makes you wonder if you can believe this whole budget thing too ?
What you should be shocked about is that under the B.C. Liberals ( AKA NDP Lite) we are well on our way there.
We have a soaring deficit,new gas taxes and pretty soon an increased carbon tax.
We have budget coming up Tuesday that will no doubt try to buy your vote followed by another budget in 2013 that will go even further to attempt to finalize the purchase.
This flies in the face of current trending in the country and according to a poll what British Columbians want.