I had occasion to chat with a few folks from the PMO following the recent summer barbecue here in Langley.
After the Prime Minister’s speech we chatted about the stuff worth taking home from that oration.
For my two cents I told the folks that I think most people know that Trudeau is in over his head and when push comes to shove they won’t vote for him as long as we promote our good record.
Today,Prime Minister Harper made a speech and did just that.
By no means an I saying he did that because I said so.
He did that because it’s the right thing to do.
Prime Minister Harper has always been Here for Canada.
Doesn’t matter what election or where; all elections are fought on the economy.
In 2015, assuming we have not had a visit from Mad Max by then, the Canadian federal election will be fought on the economy and as John Ibbitson quite rightly says world events will influence that election as never before.
What nobody can tell you today is what the world will look like in October 2015 and that includes pollsters.
I don’t recall a time, in my generation anyways, when the world was as close to boiling over and going to war as it seems they are now.
I remember reading about friend being pitted against friend in the referendums that were held in Quebec. That will be nothing compared to what will happen here if the middle east crisis worsens.You just need to scan Facebook for the stands that people are taking already.
The pollsters would have you think the coming Apocalypse is all about the death of the Conservative party,how they will be relegated to third place. The NDP will rise from the Ashes they say and lo and behold people are polling in favor of the Liberals not because they want Trudeau but because they want to be Liberal.
Between the coming Emery Circus,( you can choose which Emery will give Trudeau the most grief) the Trudeau memoirs and events on the world stage, how would any sane person know what is going to happen in 2015?
The Only pollster in my mind worth his salt is Dimitri Pantazopoulos who recently said “At this point, I won’t say who will win the next election. But only because the question is completely irrelevant.
Let’s see what the next 400 days hold in store for the government and opposition parties.”
I would add and lets see what is in store for the world.
I am telling the Truth sir, there is nothing going on in North America!
It’s only fair if Jeffrey Simpson of the Globe and Mail can write about discussions with his Uncle Fred on Galiano Island, I can at least report on discussions our alien friends are having this week as it relates to North America.
I can only imagine what one Alien Underling would report to his Commander on the goings on ( or not ) on our continent in the last week.
It would go something like this:
Commander: What have you to report from your post overseeing North America?
Underling: Nothing.
Commander : What do you mean nothing, that cannot be !
Underling: It is so, this week.
Commander : Explain yourself or be replaced!
Underling: Sir in the USA everything is closed, the government is shut down. They were discussing something called ObamaCare but one side just walked away shutting down the government. Right now the man named Obama who seems to be the inventor of the care is threatening them with a debt ceiling whatever that is. They are not listening. I think it should be called Obamawedon’tcare!
Commander: Surely something must be happening in Canada?
Underling: No Sir the man they call the Prime Minister has prorogued parliament. That means in a sense they too are shut down.
Commander : What about in your favorite place to report from BC, surely there is something to report there. Nary a week goes by without Premier Clark and her government getting themselves in some sort of trouble?
Underling: Not this week sir. Premier Clark refuses to open the government’s place of business and has herself pretty much gone into hiding.
Commander: Into hiding?
Underling : Yes sure she tried for some sort of thing called a quick win and is now being investigated by something called the RCMP.
Commander: What happens if she is found guilty
Underling : I am not sure sir. By all reports the RCMP shot somebody with a 3 inch knife 9 times and tasered him. I can’t imagine what they would do for quick winning.
Commander : Is there anything on the horizon that you will be reporting on other than nothing?
Underling : yes I have heard of something called a BC Conservative AGM……..
Marois: Get your dukes up Harper I am coming to get you!
Recent polls the weekend before the Quebec election show the Pauline Marois led PQ on their way to a slim majority. We can hope upon hope that like Alberta ( No Christy you are toasts,nothing can save you or the Liberal brand) that they are wrong like they were in Alberta.
We can also hope that Quebecers waken from the nightmare that is their summer election and vote a little common sense rather than an expensive referendum.
There has been no beating around the bush in this campaign from Marois, if she gets elected she is taking the fight to Ottawa immediately.
Marois and her party will do anything to create the dreaded “winning conditions” that will send her province and the country into the great separatist divide.
At a time when the whole world is not only reporting economic turmoil but the potential for war, Canada can ill afford to get side tracked by this nonsense.
I hope though that Prime Minister Harper is ready with his dukes up should the need arise.
Canada cannot give into any separatist demands. This is not the time.
But it’s not too late and hopefully “money and the ethnic vote” are standing by ready to send the separatists packing again.
What do you think will be the outcome of the Quebec election?