Or What about the biggest “irritant” of them all? That would be knucklehead Premier Christy Clark; the veritable queen of the gaffe?
Those sagging poll numbers are there not just because of a few minor irritants but because of a high level of incompetence and mistrust of a tired, worn out government.
The uniform of choice for anybody that runs on the Premier's record!
Potentially as the CBC is reporting, Premier Christy Clark will finally get around to it and call the by-elections tomorrow..
At the same time Robert Matas writes an excellent piece in the Globe and Mail relating to the mess that Christy Clark caused over the building of the Evergreen Line.
Without rehashing all the furor the Premier caused over her incompetence on this file, it is astounding that the B.C.Liberal Party and in particular our stunned Premier would turn around and publish a flyer listing her goof up as an accomplishment.
Even more incredible is the fact that The B.C. Liberal candidate is proud to run on her record.
While I go out for a barf bag,could somebody run out and grab a couple of straight jackets for the Premier and her prospective underling.
Anybody that runs on her record should be locked away and committed.
Should the by-elections be called tomorrow, this will be the first opportunity for British Columbians in any riding to show the Premier that she is not the right person for the job.
Do the right thing, vote, tell the Premier we get it , and start the process of giving her the boot.
Laurie Throness: I learned everything I know about how to run elections from Premier Christy Clark!
As hard as it it to believe B.C. Liberal Laurie Throness said in an interview in the Chilliwack Times that having election signs up before the by-election is called is no big deal.
Of course that is against the rules and is therefore cheating.
So to Mr. Throness cheating is no big deal.
In another act of ,well stupidity,members of his campaign team went to city hall today to pay the $500 permit to place signs during an election. They were of course refused because there is no election on.
A good politician knows the rules and also surrounds himself with people that know them as well.
These cheaters sound like rank amateurs? Do they not take the potential by-election seriously enough to at least read the rules?
Can you imagine them as handlers of the public trust?
Are you as dumbfounded as I am that Mr.Throness thinks cheating is no big deal?
Are you as blown away as I am that he openly states that on the public record?
Premier Christy Clark:You don't invite me to you job announcement,I cancel your deal.
I had planned for this to be about the government hosing of the taxpayer during the teacher lockout out.
You know,Minister Abbott says we will not speed up the process the bill needs to be discussed hosing while the Premier says “Teachers get back to school your little strike won’t make a difference anyways.”
This is a hosing on a grand government scheme because the Premier could care less whether the teachers work or your kids go back to school.
This is all about optics and the longer the teachers stay out the more the government thinks they will recover a bit in the polls.This is true especially if the BCTF screws up again and pickets in front of government buildings.
This is what today’s blog was supposed to be about but this hosing was interrupted to allow the government to hose you again.
This no doubt happened because the premier had her shorts in a knot over being snubbed by Telus and not getting an invite to last weeks Telus announcement.( Who can blame them,Telus is a family friendly company,she on the other hand has budget speeches read in front of gangsters.)
The government now has to make up $40 million dollars they had counted on and you the taxpayer will undoubtedly be asked to pony up.
You can add that to all the other times you have been hosed by Christy,Kevin and George in the last month alone.( Think MSP,ICBC,BC Hydro and gas and carbon taxes)
So the question I leave you with today is this: Got a spare $40 million we can borrow?
BC's Economic D-Day should be now,not after Election 2013
This week in Ontario Don Drummond,chair of commission on public service reform , released a 688 page report that should serve as a cautionary tale to voters here at home in B.C.
We have a little over a year until we have our own provincial election and we have plenty of time to ask those who are running what they are planning and what will it cost.
We should not have to wait for the writ to drop do know exactly where we stand fiscally and where the parties will take us.
All during the last election we heard that the deficit was in the area of 495 million only to be told right after that it was in the billions. The B.C. Liberals told us no HST and then brought it in right after the election.
Today,Adrian Dix and the NDP have a number of promises and plans so how much? What is your plan to get us to where you want the province to go.
Adrian says he doesn’t want to be in the limelight. Guess what Adrian ? You are applying for the top job in the province and a formal interview is in order!
Every politician should now and always be in the limelight.They want to spend your money!
An independent economist should be appointed and have to release a no B.S state of affairs. Both the opposition and government should have to read it and tell us well in advance of any election what they want to do and how much it will cost.( Not just now but before every election)
This report is not to be confused with the upcoming smoke and mirrors budget. This week the government will say and do anything to try and boost their standing in the polls.
Come On Caller,I might be doing a Faux Throne Speech,but call by-elections?
In a ruling that was not shocking,given the judges comments last week,Provincial Court Judge Malcolm MacLean tossed out the application to televise the riot trials today.
This following a morning of listening to the Premier on the radio telling the world she is going to review this and review that.
She has been on the job for 11 months and she is just getting around to reviewing the processes that most people have been complaining about for some time.
She had a great chance to show leadership on the issue of by-elections,but of course she didn’t. She said she would get around to calling them soon.
If you live in Chilliwack or Port Moody,the Premier just “Whatever’d ” you. How did that make you feel?
Nope, Her interview this morning was classic Paul Martin,lots of dithering,little substance.
In the name of safety,shame and fair hearings the judge that will rule on the application Monday thinks it’s a sham.
This is another in a long line of misjudgements and gaffes made by the Premier!
There is one trial, however, the people are anxious to see on TV. It will occur on election night in 2013.That day Christy Clark and her government will be judged by a jury of their peers.
That trial date can’t come soon enough!
It's bloody obvious isn't it! The people are not smart enough to connect with me!
Thank god these two can't vote,I can't afford any more bad news!
More bad news for the BC Liberals as the BC Conservatives continue to eat into Liberal numbers.
Glum news for a Party and a Premier who have been making announcement after announcement this week.
This probably explains why the Premier is returning to her old stomping grounds on NW radio Monday for as Justine Hunter says “a faux Throne Speech” with Bill Good.
Prepare to be nauseated for 90 minutes. This will more than likely be an opportunity for BC Liberal staffers and party members to phone in with easy to answer questions that even the Premier can answer.
Maybe we all will get lucky and she will call those by-elections.
Come on Madam Premier show some leadership and call those by-elections.The folks in those two Provincial Electoral Districts deserve to be represented and it would be great to get those two future MLA’s in the house while the Spring session is on.
The NDP selected their candidate this afternoon in front of 32 voting members in attendance says the Agassiz Harrison Observer.See their story here.
Of course the BC Conservatives have not only selected John Martin their candidate but named him their Justice Critic.
Martin has also put the government on notice that both he and his party won’t tolerate garbage incineration finding its way into the region. This topic has the ability to split the BC Liberals down the middle.
The B.C. Liberals are already on their second candidate when the first one realized she was too Liberal to get elected!That nomination meeting will take place on February 4th. It is fitting that they would nominate their candidate last, because in all likelihood that would be the same place as that nominee will finish in the yet to be called by-election.
Meanwhile in Port Moody-Coquitlam we will have to wait until Feb.17 to see who the B.C. Liberal candidate is.Like everything this government does,it takes its time to do a simple thing like nominate a candidate and call a couple of by-elections.
Conservative Christine Clarke ( not to be confused with our week kneed Premier)and NDPer and former Clark buddy Trasolini are already in place and waiting.
Given the track records of sitting governments in by-elections ,and that last time their star candidate ,Premier Christy Clark,only won her seat be the hem of her skirt,I can understand why the Libs are taking their time calling these two.
When all is said and done,they will likely be up the Chilliwack River without a paddle.!