BC Conservatives: The AGM

Election Night in Chilliwack; In Happier Times?

Tomorrow is the day Conservatives in BC have been waiting for for a long time.

It is the occasion of the final BC Conservative AGM before the May 2013 election,maybe.

For that to happen John Cummins has to win the leadership handily and the BC Liberals have to keep their word and actually have the election in May and not pull some legislative shenanigans in early 2013 and change the date to the fall.

What will happen at the AGM tomorrow? Will there be winners and losers?

I believe that question is a lot more complicated than you think.

Read on.

John Cummins can win and hold onto his leadership tomorrow but still lose the war.

This would happen if John Van Dongen uses the occasion of the Cummins victory speech to declare that he is running as an independent. Stranger things have happened in politics. ( This is not easy for Van Dongen either)

John Cummins could lose his leadership tomorrow ( I don’t think so) and open the whole party up to more infighting and a nasty leadership vote.

This leadership vote ,should it occur has the potential to be even nastier the the goings on lately because there could be more than 1 other party involved.

If you are reading this and you say that’s right,they could enter negotiations with the BC Liberals to unify the so-called free enterprise vote you are only partially correct.

Partially because if you have been watching the news lately you would have seen the dormant BC First party slowly arising from hibernation in the form of an endorsement from Bill Vander Zalm.

I am not one to believe in coincidences and have read the accounts in the MSM about Vander Zalm friends Ben Besler and John Crocock building a slate to take on the rest of the folks running for the provincial board under the guise of wanted to do politics different.

I have seen and heard motions from one or the other and seconded by one or the other that reek of more old style politics than most other amateur politicians I can think of.

To wit: Besler introduces a motion to give away memberships for free and is seconded by Crocock. This of course is shot down in flames as scandalous by the sane people on the board.

This is old school politics and so is telling potential nomination candidates that certain ridings are unavailable to run in because they are reserved for board members. ( I will let you use your imagination to figure out which one of these guys did that)

Not only is that old school politics but it also is a form of empire building at a time when most political parties, Conservatives included are tying to clean that up.

The instigator slate has not yet registered for the AGM and no that does not mean they have had a change of heart. It just means more of the old school type of politics.

So when they say they stand for something different don’t believe it for a minute.

In the last week and by the latest poll, the BC Conservative Party has gone down about 7% in the polls and a good part of this has been brought on by the instigator slate.

Chris Delaney,Bill Vander Zalm,Sal Vetro and the BC First team must be having a good laugh.

So are the inept Christy Clark led BC Liberals who today siphoned off former by-election candidate and third place finisher John Martin.

At a time when Conservatives should be attacking the opposition, Besler, Crocock and Co. have been busy attacking themselves and shooting their own party in the foot.

What this does is leave the door wide open for the BC Liberals and now the BC First Crew to tussle over the vote.

What do you think. What will happen tomorrow and do you care?

Christy Clark’s Antic’s Spread East!

Marois: In the extortion Olympics,Clark will seem like a rank amateur compared to me!

Today it was revealed, in a page out of the Christy Clark text-book on stupidity, Opposition Leader and Chief Knucklehead for the Parti Quebecois , Pauline Marois, will challenge the recent agreement with the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Under cover of the environment the Parti Quebecois will no doubt demand its Fair Share” otherwise it will threaten to block any further talk about oil.

Between the cement head in Quebec and her twin in BC ,Prime Minister Harper and is team are close to being stuck between “une roche et un endroit dur”

Speaking of rock’s and hard places, word has it The beaver had a rough day after the Quebec solidaire gave it the boot from Quebec in their recent election ad portraying what else, separation.

Maybe a local politician or two will watch the ad, draw a picture of BC and give Clark the boot for starting this latest round of extortion.

What do you think?

The Enbridge Project: Zero Leadership from Christy Clark!

Terry: Mary what ever happened to Christy what’s her name?

First it was skulking around Alberta and Saskatchewan undercover of darkness so to speak meeting with Premiers Redford and Wall.

Then the big announcement comes from the government and Clark is nowhere to be seen.


The answer is typical Ken Boessenkool playbook strategy.

It goes something like this: When your leader is as low in the polls as Clark is, you hide her for the summer and start over again in the fall.

In Clark’s case it’s worse because even if they need to use her she can’t stay on message and so this fits with the Boessenkool strategy as well.

It’s no small wonder 77% of Albertan’s would rather have Redford as a Premier than our Clark. ( see the poll at the end of the blog written by an Albertan thanking his lucky stars that Clark is not their Premier)

Ordinarily the BC Government should have made a big deal out of Clark’s visit to Edmonton. It should have been showcased as a great stepping stone in the Enbridge project.

Instead as the blogger depicts it was more like a Mafioso Don meeting with the head of another family. I am surprised Clark didn’t hold the meeting in the back of a bakery.

Although what would you expect from a government who invites gangsters to budget meetings.

Not only that but this far into the process and after today’s big announcement they still haven’t taken a position.

Quite frankly I don’t think they will.

I think getting rebuffed by Premier Redford was part of the plan, a plan without leadership.

They will eventually say Alberta is not offering enough.

It is a plan to bow out of Enbridge without taking a stance.

But then what would you expect from a government who has no leader?

Christy Clark Loses Another One!

Murray Coell: A Classy Guy!

Speculation has been mounting in the press in recent weeks whether Murray Coell, Saanich North and the Islands MLA would leave politics.

Today he confirmed that we would not run again and joins the growing list of MLAs bailing on Clark!

I did a lot of volunteer work in the old days ( 2001-2004) in Coell’s riding and wish him every success!

Coell is a good guy who works very hard for his constituents and the BC Liberal Caucus will miss him.

( I know you guys will probably comment that I should wash my mouth out with soap for saying nice things about a BC Liberal)

Who will give Clark the high hard one next? Falcon? Coleman?

At this rate one of these guys could leave before the weekend!

What are your thoughts?

Another Poll Another nail in Christy Clark’s Coffin!

The Liberal Vancouver sun continues to run the picture used for affair l’farebeat forgetting that most people would prefer to throw Clark under that train rather than hold Dix accountable for his actions.

Angus Reid released the most damning poll of all for the future on the Clark BC Liberals and for Premier Christy Clark herself!

Not only does the poll show that the BC Conservatives are on the rise ( up 3%) but it also tells the tale of the women voter.

You would think that Clark would have the market cornered on that segment of the population but not so, she has lost that too!

The worst news for Clark and crew to come out of the Angus Reid research?

That would be the numbers that say people feel Dix and the socialists are better able to manage the economy.

I will say that again so there is no mistake: Polled Voters think a bunch of socialists are better able to manage the economy than the supposed Free enterprise Chumpion Clark.

Not only that, the poll goes on to say that 55% of those folk’s opinion of Clark has worsened!

Furthermore 64% of those people disapprove of the way she does the job.

No wonder Dave Hayer didn’t say thanks!

How bad is that?

If the BC Liberal Executive has pulled themselves up off the floor and are paying attention: this poll spells the end of Christina Joan Clark.

You cannot and will not form government in the next election.

In fact the momentum is now with the BC Conservatives!

This poll also sends a message to Peter Brown and it would be : Mr.Brown you are backing the wrong horse!

What do you think?

From the trenches, More Reach Out Nonsense from the BC Liberals!

We are Not Interested!

The day after the by-elections back in April the BC Liberals attempted to ” Reach Out” to several BC Conservative Party Board members.

They were told in no uncertain terms to take a hike.

Repeatedly BC Conservative Party Leader John Cummins has stated that the party has no intention to marge with the failing BC Liberal Government.

For one thing a lot of people in the BC Conservative Party are not just disaffected Federal Conservatives looking for a home but the party is also made up of people who have had enough with the current political system.

The BC Liberals ( We are not Liberals folks) would like to think that the Conservatives are the sole reason for their defeat in the by-elections and are the main reason the corrupt governing party will lose the next election.

If the truth be known,if the BC Conservatives did not exist and there was no other alternative, the BC Liberals would still get wiped out in the May 2013 election.

The only vote splitting that will happen will be by the downward trending BC Liberals and that issue was addressed recently by Rick Peterson in an excellent op=ed piece in the Vancouver Sun and redistributed on this blog.

Today the inept BC Liberals and their supporters attempted to once again ” Reach Out” board members and supporters via a letter from the desk of Peter Brown :

This letter insults all Conservative people under the BC Conservative Umbrella. It as if it is our fault that the supposed coalition has split apart.

Mr. Brown, Inept Premier Clark and the BC Liberal Crew need to take a good solid look in the mirror.

What the will see is their former leader hammered on a Hawaiian vacation, their new inept leader tee heeing her way through photo ops the whole time up to her arm pits in BC Rail,sleazily introducing and dragging out the HST and other assorted and sundry bull shit too numerous to name in this blog piece.

The BC Liberals had 11 years in government and they blew it. They will go out in infamy,their legacy will be corruption and sleaze.

They had a wonderful opportunity when first elected in 2001 and they have flushed it down the toilet.

The BC Conservatives on the other hand stand for honesty, integrity and accountability.They stand for reduced taxes and increased employment.

Why on earth would any BC Conservative in his or her right mind want to join a party like the BC Liberals?

BC Rail: Christy Clark Should Order a Full,Immediate and Quick Inquiry!

Enough pictures already,CALL the Inquiry!

David Basi’s memo makes a great case that Christy Clark is a liar.

Clark has fumbled and BS’d around on this and other files since she took over as Premier.

Assuming she has nothing to hide she should have gotten out in front of this her early days as Premier.

She hasn’t and now she has nobody but herself to blame for all the trouble that she is in.

Instead of sending attack dog and resident dimwit of the Premier’s office, Sarah MacIntyre, on the offensive ,Christy Clark should call an immediate,no holds barred inquiry into BC Rail.

I mean if she has nothing to hide what would stop her?

She seems to be reviewing everything else the government does.

So what harm does one more review do? ( If she has nothing to hide).

I bet the expanse of the inquiry would be something to taxpayer would be glad to pay to put behind them.

So Clark should do the right thing ( if she has nothing to hide) and call the inquiry.

After all the public has been clamoring for her to get out in front of this file since she took the oath of office.

So Premier,if you have nothing to hide, do the right thing and call an inquiry and specially have the role you played thoroughly reviewed.

It’s the right thing to do!

What do you think?

If Kevin Falcon doesn’t Trust Premier Christy Clark why should You?

This is directed squarely at you Christy, stop with the unapproved spending!

This post could also be called Christy Clark: Et Tu, Kevin Part 2.

This is not the first time Kevin Falcon has been front and center rapping the Premier over the Financial knuckles and the “leaked” memo is more than likely directed towards Premier Christy Clark and all her photo-optic financial announcements.

This might also explain Transportation Minister Blair Lekstrom not wanting to discuss tolling costs for the Port Mann Bridge.

But make no mistake about it, this is yet another shot across the bow of the lame duck leadership of Premier Christy Clark.

Combine that with recent poll results showing Clark no longer out performs her party and you gotta wonder how long before things get really ugly!

How much longer before Christy Clark is shown the door?

What do you think, will the caucus get rid of her or will it be the electorate in May 2013?

Christy Clark: “She is no longer over Performing her Party!”

Ding Dong the wicked witch is starting to look like a tired old hag!

I didn’t think of that headline myself. It was spoken by Kyle Braid of Ipsos Reid who revealed today’s poll results ( not to be confused with yesterday’s lousy results reported in my blog and the Globe)

Braid reveals a new tidbit with this piece of news because now not only does the public have any use for Clark but officially neither does her party!

Expect phone huddling and meetings over the weekend looking for the quickest way to make her disappear.

Clark did not help herself with her recent mauling of Mario Canseco of Angus Reid. These guys will and did get you Christy.

In another piece of irony the Vancouver Sun uses the same picture to announce Dix’s improvement in the polls as they did when he recently stole his way ( farebeated) onto public transit.

I can sneak onto transit,get caught and still have a chance to be Premier, Nice Country this Canada!

Will we replace one corrupt government with a another who leader’s moral compass is obviously screwed up?

Or will the people come to their senses and vote BC Conservative?

What do you think?

Christy Clark and The BC Liberals:Catalyst for Failure!

Brad Wall a Great Leader, Christy Clark out of her league

The government under Christy Clark and the BC Liberals brings to mind the sad tale of Emperor Nero in the stories of ancient Rome.

You remember the tale told that when Nero fiddled Rome burned.

Well guess what and her team are fiddling BC is catching fire.

Evidence of that would be their incompetence on both the Catalyst and the Dutch Elm disease files.

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall is making a name for himself with his adept handling of the issue with an intellectual argument showing Leader Mulcair statement would result in higher resource taxes. In an even smarter move he asked Mulcair to explain what he meant.( Was this to be a revival of the National Energy Program? More carbon taxes?)

What was BC Premier Christy Clark’s response?

This is goofy!

This leads us to events this week and the cover up and abomination that was her non-attendance at the Western premier summit and her mishandling of the Catalyst file.

Clark’s excuse for not going to the summit was that she had business to attend to in BC. In her place she sent accomplished liar Minister Pat Bell.

She introduced the costly Family day holiday that most people in the financial district won’t be able to take and most small business people will have to pay through the nose to finance.

This was a total shell game in that Clark sent her jobs minister who has been lying and covering up her governments incompetence handling the problems with catalyst and the large amount of jobs at stake.

Why? So he would not have to face the consequences on the Catalyst File

The swap for her was that she did not have to perform with the rest of Western Canada’s real leaders that would have led to further exposure as the weak lame duck Premier that she is.

Premier Wall showed us that with his actions on the Dutch-file.

This is nothing but a shell game or cover up by a government on its way out.

Premier Clark and her team need to be reminded that governing the province and showing leadership in this country is not a radio show.

It requires a well thought out plan with competent people to carry it out,

This government has neither.

Thank god there is only 11 months left!

What will they screw up next?

What do you think?