Rumors Eh! BS more like it. Surrey mayor Watts denies rumour she is gunning for Conservative leadership

It must have been a slow news day at the Surrey Now what with them running a figment of somebody’s imagination about the Mayor of Surrey gunning for BC Conservative leader John Cummins’s job.

Not only that,you would think with all the shootings in Surrey ( as recently as today),the Now would have better choice of words than gunning in the headline.

The rumor this writer hears is that the B.C. Liberals, in an attempt to salvage their party, are said to be reaching out to the Mayor to replace Christy Clark who has lost traction with the voting public.

That would be like asking a different ships captain to hop aboard the Titanic and replace the existing one after the boat has started to take on water and tilt.

Not gonna happen either,not even in the Now’s wildest imagination.


SURREY – If Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts is planning to bump B.C. Conservative leader John Cummins out of his job, nobody has bothered to tell her about it – or Cummins, for that matter.

Asked about a rumour that she’s seeking Cummins’ job, Watts responded with laughter.

“I haven’t even given it any thought,” she said Tuesday. “If there’s not a rumour started by 10 o’clock, better start one,” she laughed.

The rumour was news to Cummins, too.

“I hadn’t heard the leadership is up for grabs,” he said Tuesday. “As far as I know, there’s no movement afoot to replace me.”

A recent Angus Reid poll indicates that while the B.C. Conservative Party has gained some ground (up one percent, to 19 per cent) in popularity, Cummins’ popularity had dropped by a point.

According to the poll, NDP leader Adrian Dix enjoys 26 per cent of the vote in the “preferred premier” category, up seven per cent since November, while Liberal Premier Christy Clark has dropped three points to 22 per cent, Cummins dropped one point to eight per cent, and Green Party Leader gained one point, to three per cent.

The polling company interviewed 800 British Columbian men and women between Jan. 27 to 29. The poll results have a margin error of plus/minus 3.5 per cent.

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