Premier Christy Clark in the running for an award!!!!!

Christy Clark: I am in the running for an award!

It seems every time she speaks the Premier is not only wrong but mixes the facts up.

This is the person who is supposed to lead our province through tough economic times and she cannot keep her facts straight.

Gary Mason has a great piece today detailing her ineptitude and her breath taking gaffes .

You should read it and then ask yourself two questions, namely ” What the heck is this person doing as Premier ?” and “What on earth were the B.C. Liberals thinking when they anointed her as leader last year?”

Off course if you read this excellent piece by Alex G. Tsakumis , you know they weren’t thinking at all, they were conned!

Now what?

Time to award this week’s winner and it’s a tie !

The Bonehead of the week award goes to the whole B.C. Liberal team, lead of course by Premier unelect Christy Clark!

Another Great week for the B.C. Liberal team!

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