One of the interesting events in the run up to any election is the release of the various polls. In British Columbia,with an election a little over a year away,the “run up” has begun.
Today a poll was released by Forum Research Inc. and has been presented in a piece online in the Vancouver Province.You can read the story here.
What does it mean? Is it accurate?
From the story in the Province you don’t know. The reason is that although they tell you they queried 988 people for the survey,the writer conveniently left out some important demographics. If you knew where these people lived and the percentage breakdown of how they voted in the last election,you could have a different,more accurate result.
So what do we take away from this poll?
Last year this same firm said Christy Clark was the best bet to beat the NDP at the ballot box.See the press release here.
Eleven months later her and her party are toast.
What does this mean? It means there are a lot of Nervous Nellies ( A Liberal expression circa Jean Chretien 1993) in the B.C Liberal Party Executive and Caucus.
What will happen? Who knows, but the soon to be called by-elections could have a lot more to do with the Premier’s tenure than most people think.
Two losses and the The Premier could be forced out!( Imagine if those two losses are third place finishes)
Hang on to your hat,politics in about to get very interesting.