More dirty politics from Quebec.

We are truly fortunate that the leader of the PQ is so awful,that even 7 of her MNA’s have left and joined another party.We are extremely lucky that a lot of things members vote on at Annual General Meetings of political parties in this country don’t actually make it on to an election platform and get brought into law.

To wit:Yesterday members at a PQ AGM voted a resolution that would allow John Q or Jean Q citizen to launch a citizen led referendum into independence.

What is wrong with this is that ( Other than referendums are very costly) this resolution could lead the very political party that proposed it to putting one of their own members up to launching a referendum so that they may distance themselves form it when it blows up in their faces.

These are the same people that only a week ago shanked potential leadership candidate Duceppe in the back when it appeared he was considering taking a run at Marois and her leadership.

This is more sleazy dirty politics from the people that told the world they lost the last referendum because of money and the ethnic vote.

Where did Ms.Marois stand in all this? No where,she waited until after the vote to join party members on the floor. Her leadership is so bad that that if she had taken a stance on this or any issue the party would have given her the middle finger and voted the opposite way.

Speaking of waving the middle finger,you should all do that to the Globe and Mail but I will leave that to Dean Skoreyko over at BC Blue to tell you why!

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