Mary Polak: BC Liberal Goals are “Aspira-tional”

What do you mean Polak said our Goals are “Aspira-tional”? That was supposed to be kept secret!

I didn’t make that up. Those words came from the mouth of Transportation Minister Mary Polak when she was describing the targets set by her department and questioned by auditor general John Doyle.

This is the same Mary Polak that told us during the HST discussion that BC had the lowest provincial sales tax rate in Canada conveniently leaving out the fact that Alberta has zero.

“Aspira-tional goals she said will be kept on the books to what; fire up the staff who know they don’t have a hope of hitting them.

What about setting some realistic goals with a realistic budget that we can all review and evaluate?

Speaking of budgets,I wonder if balancing the budget is “Aspira-tional” to this BC Liberal Government?

One can only imagine the ” aspira-tional” smoke and mirrors that will come out of Polak’s colleague Finance Minister Mike de Jong when that document is released.

What next? Maybe having an election in May will be “Aspira-tional” and that date will be changed when the house reconvenes in the New Year.

With these people you never know.

3 thoughts on “Mary Polak: BC Liberal Goals are “Aspira-tional””

  1. The BC Liberals actions the past few years have been “aspirational”. When I heard about the reversal on the HST,I said,”HHHHoly sh*t!” Then,when I heard about the BC Rail debacle, said,”HHHHoly f***!”,and when they implemented the carbon tax,I said,”HHHHoly jumpin’ jayzuz!”

    So, yes,the government HAS done a lot of aspirational things. Next May,there is going to be a lot of aspiration on the part of Liberal MLA’s,as they take in the vote count on election night,as in “how could they DO this to us”?

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