October 16th marks the one year anniversary date of the death of my granddaughter Marissa and her dad Kyle.
As I was thinking about that the other day ( I think about that a lot) I received an email asking me to help out the children of Christopher Speer who was murdered in Afghanistan by Omar Khadr.
It goes without saying that even though I lost a granddaughter it is not the same as being a young kid losing a father and all the memories and fun times that that entails.
I think that Marissa and Kyle would like it very much if I reached out to you through my blog and asked for a little piece of your heart.
It would be great if you could help out, go to the website and help the cause. Contribute whatever you can even if it means at the very least sharing it on your Facebook page or Twitter account.
Together we can make a real difference in these children’s live and perhaps restore some of the hope that they lost when Christopher’s life was taken from them.
Marissa,Kyle and I thank you!
The most disgusting part of this story is that SFC Speer was a medic, who would have tended to his enemies’ wounds, when this pathetic loser killed him in a cowardly surprise attack. How much colder can one get?
It’s not his supporters can even claim brainwashing. He CHOSE to do this. The socialists, communists, and general anti-semites in Canada are lionising this waste of skin while SFC Speer will never come home. I think providing some seed money for his children’s education would be an excellent way to say “thank you” for what this man gave not only for his country, but since we’re fighting the battle over there now instead of here later, ours by extension.
I put the link on my FB page a while back as well. Thanks for donating!
Pathetic Loser hits the nail on the head.
So does giving some seed money for SFC Speer’s children.
Everybody should get all over that now!