Nice I headline to start today’s blog. I didn’t make that up either.( As in just like the headline I didn’t make up yesterday if you are new to my blog).
It comes via a friend from Thomas Paine one of the founding fathers of the gold ole USA and can be found in his paper ” The Crisis”
It is a fitting metaphor that political writers use when political leaders are in over their head and decide to be followers rather than leaders.
Our current and soon to be deposed Premier Christy Clark finds herself in a “Crisis” of her own making in that rather than doing the things she promised to do when she ran to be the leader she chose to be a follower of her people in Cabinet.
These would be the same people who created the mess that she had the opportunity to show leadership on when she first became Premier un-elect.
So now, as the quote says she will likely be told to get out of the way.
How long do you think it will take?
Soon I hope.
Not very long!
Soon I hope.
I think you are right! The poll from yesterday should finish her off!
Campbell was forced out at 9%, after a year and a half in office. She will probably last only as long as her personal numbers can remain above the party numbers. If the BC Liberals: drop to 20%; remain in a statistical heat with BC Conservatives; or if the BC Conservatives can poll at and retain 25% or greater, then all bets are off her surviving past the end of August. Right now, with BC Conservatives pegged at 16%, she has some breathing room.
The following data and comments are from an Ipsos Reid, June 14th poll
NDP (48%, up 4) Lead BC Liberals (29%, down 3) and BC Conservatives (16%, unchanged)
Christy Clark’s Approval Rating Plummets (33%, down 14); Adrian Dix’s Approval Up (50%, up 5 points)
Dix (31%, up 6 points) Now Leads Clark (25%, down 6 points) as Best Premier
British Columbians are becoming more familiar with John Cummins as BC Conservative, but the increase in familiarity is more negative than positive. His approval rating is up 1 point since February (from 24% to 25%), while his disapproval rating is up 6 points (from 29% to 35%). Four-in-ten (40%, down 7 points) say they are undecided about John Cummins.
All well and good excepting that for the first time Dix passed the knucklehead on the best premier index,the death card to her leadership.
Are you familiar with the song that goes Sha na na na Sha na na na….Goodbye..
These guys have to jump start or die, they are not waiting it out.
Her numbers aren’t going to improve.
Just my two cents.
Thanks for your comment and for reading!
Dix’s first pass has gotten him out of his own end, but sooner than later, he has to exit the neutral zone. With his questionable stick-handling, he is going to get stood up at the Blue line. The play will go offside, and his new left wing, along with a new left handed shot on the right wing will cause a turn over.
I re-read the poll data, and at 2 cents, adjusted for inflation, you have more sense than most all of the strategists in the BC Liberal party. Some M.S.M. may still offer her shelter, but it will only be the comfort of palm branches and fig leaves.
Thanks for re-reading.
Back in May I posted my experiences in Saskatchewan as a Conservative taking on a poll soaring Roy Romanow lead NDP government.
Here is the post:
The dippers will use this strategy and say very little up until the debate. The might come off the rails during the debate abd depending upon how that goes will go back to clamming up until after the election when he will exit the neutral zone…
For him to go off message now ( Say anything) the Conservatives will have to find a bomb the dike event ala Mulroney in 88. ( Yes I said Mulroney)
Only that will get the yipping and yapping.
As far as the BC Liberals go, even when they give her the boot,there is no but left with a trust factor IN the party.
If there was you would not see the likes of Coleman playing smoke and mirrors with McDermid on the Liquor file.
In fact just to illustrate a future blog post will be written with a what if scenario on that issue to prove my point.
Many people probably more politically astute than me are saying that she will be banished by her own people by the Fall.
I believe that because of what motivates her to be the Premier ELECT she will stubbornly wait until May, and wade ashore with the rest of the Cabinet Members and Liberal MLA’s.
Just say’in………….
Could be but my Money is on the fall at the latest.
We will see!
Not very long!
Yup that’s what I think too!
Thank you for reading and for commenting!