Laurie Throness:Cheating is no big deal!

Laurie Throness: I learned everything I know about how to run elections from Premier Christy Clark!

As hard as it it to believe B.C. Liberal Laurie Throness said in an interview in the Chilliwack Times that having election signs up before the by-election is called is no big deal.

Of course that is against the rules and is therefore cheating.

So to Mr. Throness cheating is no big deal.

In another act of ,well stupidity,members of his campaign team went to city hall today to pay the $500 permit to place signs during an election. They were of course refused because there is no election on.

A good politician knows the rules and also surrounds himself with people that know them as well.

These cheaters sound like rank amateurs? Do they not take the potential by-election seriously enough to at least read the rules?

Can you imagine them as handlers of the public trust?

Are you as dumbfounded as I am that Mr.Throness thinks cheating is no big deal?

Are you as blown away as I am that he openly states that on the public record?

2 thoughts on “Laurie Throness:Cheating is no big deal!”

  1. Sadly, I am not surprised at Throness’ actions—it is just the Liberal’s usual under-handed tactics.
    How long can they delay announcing the by-elections…time is running out, let’s get out and vote—of course, not for the Liberals.

    1. Thank you Gloria. The Port Moody by-election has to be called by early April,The Chilliwack one by July.

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