I am half tempted to change this to the bonehead of the day award given how many stupid things come out of the mouths of Justin Trudeau and fellow province mate Pauline Marois.
Which one is the dumbest; the one who wants to be Prime Minister or the bonehead who wants to be Premier with a majority in her province.
Marois slight,not mentioning the word Canada in the hockey teams gold medal winning performance was no doubt am attempt to get ROC and the government riled up and provoke the so-called “winning Conditions”for a referendum should she not blow her mandate the polls say she will win.
Trudeau on the other hand is a natural-born bonehead with all the stupid things he said, with the latest being his crack that the Russia will become more involved in the situation in the Ukraine because of their hockey loss in the Olympics.
Can you imagine this tool on the national stage? How do you spell World War III.
He is obviously in over his head and not ready to govern.
Which one do you think is more deserving of the Bonehead or is it a tie?
Then Marc Garneau says he’d be better on the world stage than Harper..Makes my head spin!
Then Marc Garneau says he'd be better on the world stage than Harper..Makes my head spin!
Kind of Like Linda Blair on the Exorcist I would imagine. Scary Stuff!