Justin Trudeau: A Chip Off The Old Block! #canpoli #bcpoli #trudeau

Two Peas in a Socialist Pod?

A chip off the old block, life father like son. Call it what you want.

Seems Justin Trudeau isn’t so much different than his communist sympathizing Father.

Look what that brought us.

The National Energy Program, a prime Minister waving the middle finger at the constituents in the train station and the biggest fuddle duddle of them all the near break up of Canada due to Trudeau’s constitutional mangling.

Son Justin has already shown his lack of respect for things Canadian when he called Minister of Environment Peter Kent a “piece of Shit” in the house of commons.

He has now gone on record with his admiration for China ( communist China where people are dying to leave and move here).

Kinda makes you wonder what else is going on in his head ( apart from entertaining women).

Perhaps the Second Coming of the National Energy Program?

After all like father like son.

Isn’t once enough?

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