Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse for the Christy Clark Liberals it does.
Along comes Forum research with another poll showing that if an election were held today the Clark team would be decimated.
Premier ‘I don’t pay attention to polls” Clark will pay attention to this poll, she will have no choice.
I would think,that although there is still a bit of space between where they are and rock bottom, the chants for Clark’s head will start again ( If they ever stopped)
With this poll this election now becomes more than losing a few seats, it ( No how much BS Comes out of the mouth of Mike McDonald) will be about losing a party.
You can now expect to see the beginning of an exodus of Conservative Volunteers from the BC Liberal party to the safer confines of the BC Conservatives.
My Guess: Clark is gone and likely before the big convention in the fall.
What do you think?
As a BC teacher, I am grateful for the decision passed by the BCLRB yesterday, not forcing teachers to take part in all extracurricular activities. The BCPSE with the support of the Liberals attempted forcing the issue; in essence creating a scenario for unpaid labour for teachers. Had the BCPSE position won out, all workers in BC might have eventually been in jeopardy, with employers being able to demand volunteer work after hours. Though perhaps not a popular decision with all in BC, this decision should be seen as a victory for all workers in BC, not only teachers.
As for the manner in which our present government operates, I have no real sense that they hold the interests of British Columbians in sight; Ms Clark started of her non-elected term in office citing a value to supporting BC families; as we all know she went on to add another statutory holiday. Was she thinking of small business owners who would now have to dish out more cash? No, it was all about showboating her party’s image and trying to garner future votes. As for the present situation in BC, my sense is that Ms. Clark and crew are very afraid of what may come to light when a new government takes over, they are likely doing their very best to remain in power so they can cover their tracks. The time for coverups and back room dealing is coming to an end Premier…hope you have a clean house.
Excellent comment.Thank you!
BC Liberals are doomed to fail… they just won’t admit that in choosing an ethically challenged, opportunistic, power mad, federal Liberal as their leader that they missed an opportunity to renew themselves in the eyes of the public. I know there were a lot of BC Liberals who were not pleased when Klark manipulated her way into the leadership role, but they are all going to be taken down with her. Klark was a weak, desperately wrong choice…. a real, Klown! If British Columbians want a free market, tax cutting (carbon tax) Government that will run the Government for the betterment of all BC’rs, than the choice is clear… BC Conservative!
A wrong choice for sure!
A vote for the BC Liberals is essentially a spoiled ballot, and it all but guarantees the BCNDP will win. Allowing for margin of error, the BC Libs and the BC Cons are sitting in a statistical tie, according to the most recent Forum poll. This begs the question: which party is on the way up and which is trending downwards to political oblivion?
The writing is on the wall for the bad ship BC Liberal,on the way down.
The sun is shining on the BC Conservative Party.
Thanks again!
I think that after voting for the Provincial Liberals the last FOUR Elections that my vote will be firmly planted with the Provincial Conservatives.
I also think that I am not alone……………………….
And I would think you would be correct with your assumption!
Thank you for your comment and for reading!
As a federal Conservative, this is nothing to be happy about.
I am cold towards Christy Clark, but the BC Liberals got our economy moving again and weakened the power of the unions. These are fundamentals.
So yes, the BCL have made various mistakes in the past. But in this time of economic turmoil, we cannot let the “free enterprise coalition” fracture and let Adrian Dix’s NDP destroy our economy again.
This Conservative will be voting BC Liberal.
You and Kevin Falcon.That would be about it.
With all the tax and spend stuff there is nothing Conservative about this party.
Thank you for reading and commenting!
I concur. There is little to nothing conservative about this LPofBC.
What’s worse, is Cristy Clark’s announcement of a “Family Friendly” policy. That’s usually code speech for gratuitous entitlements which is also un-conservative.
We need a “taxpayer friendly” policy in this province. Those are the people that pay for everything, they are the ones that should get first crack at any tax refunds and rebates.
More importantly, we need a “grandchildren taxpayer friendly” policy where we get rid of our debt and structural deficits so that we can actually move forward. Too bad the average voter can’t think longer term than the next paycheque.
Right on!
Thank you again!
Here’s the problem, J. As a federal Conservative member, too, I can tell you that I need more than a free enterprise option to get my vote. I also need a government that respects my rights as an adult. The Christy Clark Liberals are perhaps free enterprise but they indulge in a mean Liberal streak when it comes to telling me how to live my life, protecting me from myself, and making end-runs around the courts when like the drinking driving and excessive speeding laws. I want a free enterprise party that lets me live my life with as little “mommy knows best” attitude as possible.
That’s what we all want!
Thank you for your comment.
The fact no one joined John Van Dongen is proof that those that are left are complete fools. No sympathy. As for a massive NDP majority well, I can always move if it gets really bad.
“The fact no one joined John Van Dongen is proof that those that are left are complete fools. No sympathy. “
Well said!
Thank you!