Premier Christy Clark says her Leadership is not under question!
I beg to differ!
Harry Bloy resigns amid scandal!
BC place name deal cancelled !
John Van Dongen resigns and crosses the floor!
Senior Ministers Abbot and Falcon openly muse about not running in the next election!
Minister Lekstrom sleeps at the switch and doesn’t read the Price Waterhouse Coopers report on Translink with the consequence that 63,000 farebeaters get away without paying for tickets.
Jaspal Atwal gets a ringside seat at the budget presentation.
Attorney General Shirley Bond tells an out-and-out lie and says the case with the Auditor General is settled out of court when it is not.
B.C.child sex abuse charges stayed due to delays
These are just 8 examples of lack of leadership in the Premier”s office.
If her caucus isn’t openly questioning it, people who really count are. Those would be the taxpayers of BC.
All the polls show that the B.C. Liberals will be turfed out of office in a landslide.
What more will it take the Premier to realize that her Leadership or lack there is the only question ?
Christy Clark is half the problem. The other half is the Liberal party itself.
Each is a big problem, combined it is an omnidisaster.
The Liberals wont be much better when she leaves.
Thank you for your comment and yes I agree with you . The Liberal Party is also a big problem. Who would do better, any ideas?
A superb commentary. With my compliments.
I enjoy your site very much and wish you continued success.
Thank you very much for your kind words Alex.
I enjoy your commentary as well. http://alexgtsakumis.com
There is still one day left in the week, what will she gaffe tomorrow ?