Justin Trudeau has once again said he is not interested in the job of permanent Liberal leader. He made that clear moments after Bob Rae announced that he would stay on as interim leader but would not be in the running for the permanent job.
This presents a huge problem for the party that is trying to reinvent itself.
At this point Gerrard Kennedy,Joyce Murray,Martha Hall Findlay,Marc Garneau, Dominic LeBlanc and David McGuinty are the names rumored to be interested in the job.
These potential candidates would have trouble motivating their own EDA ( Electoral District Association) boards to show up at their summer barbeques let alone captivate the country to vote for them.
So unless they have a sleeper superstar ( Dalton McGuinty LOL ) it comes to begging Trudeau to take the job.
The Dilemma of course is if he takes the job it helps the Conservatives, if he doesn’t take the job Tommy Mulcair and the NDP will steam roll them in the next election.
It is sort of a ” your screwed if you do, screwed if you don’t” situation don’t you think?