The election is over half a year away but the Adrian Dix lead BCNDP is starting to come out of the closet with some of their election platform.
Today Opposition Leader and Premier wanna be Adrian Dix pledged to pull out of the federal pipeline review and start one of his own.
I hope this expensive waste of time to score political points is going to be paid out of BCNDP funds because it duplicates the cost of the federal study already financed on the backs of the taxpayer.
One study, that’s fine and needed but two gimme a break.
Your federal cousin/brother Tom Mulcair already said this issue is dead in the water.
If that is so Mr.Dix why would you want to throw good money after bad?
This is no doubt the first in a series of increased taxes ( that’s what reviews are) that the NDP will announce in the run up to the election.
Question for Mr.Dix: Has this been costed and included as part of your platform?
If so what price tag do you put on this taxpayer funded review?