Clark to teachers: It’s important the children don’t miss a day during this dispute. Important to who Christy?

Christy Clark: closer to the point of no return!

In another move that reeks of more flagrant self serving BS, the Premier asked the teachers not to strike.

She said it is most important that the children not miss a single day during the dispute.

Important for who Madam Premier?

Surely not for the children because if you really felt that way you could do something about it.

You could keep the legislature open for business over the weekend and get the bill through the house earlier.

You could also invoke closure.This would get the bill through the house even faster

No Madam premier what you mean is it’s important for you that the kids don’t miss any school.

Important for you because if they do,you and your government will be blamed for how you handled this.

Your poll results will continue to slide as will your tenuous grasp of your unelected Premiership.

So now that that’s on the table, What are you going to do?

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