I didn’t think of that headline myself. It was spoken by Kyle Braid of Ipsos Reid who revealed today’s poll results ( not to be confused with yesterday’s lousy results reported in my blog and the Globe)
Braid reveals a new tidbit with this piece of news because now not only does the public have any use for Clark but officially neither does her party!
Expect phone huddling and meetings over the weekend looking for the quickest way to make her disappear.
Clark did not help herself with her recent mauling of Mario Canseco of Angus Reid. These guys will and did get you Christy.
In another piece of irony the Vancouver Sun uses the same picture to announce Dix’s improvement in the polls as they did when he recently stole his way ( farebeated) onto public transit.
Will we replace one corrupt government with a another who leader’s moral compass is obviously screwed up?
Or will the people come to their senses and vote BC Conservative?
What do you think?