The only MSM in town that bothered to report to this point on Inept Premier Clark’s visit with Alberta Premier Redford in Calgary today had the line for the ages.
When asked by reporters about her meeting Clark ,apart from saying it was frosty, advised anybody who would listen ( and by extension anybody who would read the Globe and Mail) that it was not her responsibility to brainstorm for answers regarding the dilemma with Enbridge and the pipeline.
The operative word of course in the quote was ‘Brain’ and we have all learned by now anything to do with that area of the human body is not a Christy Clark strong point.
So Premier Clark, if not your responsibility,whose?
Essentially today’s meeting was a great big waste of Premier Redford’s time.
Why on earth would Clark drop in without any new solutions to restate her position on the project?
Why hasn’t the brainstorming been done?
Could Clark have been hiding in Alberta to avoid bad press over the 12% increase in BC Ferries rates?
Watch the Calgary Herald Video where you will hear Clark’s first words’ Well um it was Frosty”
We have,ladies and gentleman, what sounds like a 12-year-old girl as Premier.
Next she’ll be singing ” The good ship lollipop”!
What an embarrassment!
Need I say more?
What are your thoughts?
UPDATE Some 6 hours after the meeting,NONE of the BC Electronic News Sources( Sun,province,Times Colonist) have a line about the meeting. They are still saying she will meet with Redford later today; Geesh!
MSM missed it because it makes crissy look normal. Mouth open – Foot inserted & smile.
That’s about all she does too!
Hey,hey ,hey! Since she affected those glasses,Christy looks just like a little girl pretending to be a school teacher,and little girls know school teachers are very smart! (said in Shirley Temple’s voice)
There are FIVE conditions, according to the “smart” little girl, the first three are environmental ,the fourth is First Nations,and last is financial considerations.
Christy hit on all the trendy and politically correct buzzwords,but in spite of those lovely horn-rims, she still comes across as a person who truly doesn’t have a clue about how her constituency perceives her.
We need the pipelines,the LNG plant, further oil and gas exploration in this Province to have even a faint hope of balancing the next budget. Tourism isn’t going to do it. Clark is pandering to the NDP/Green constituency,who will vote for the Liberals when Hell freezes over,and pissing off the entire conservative wing of B.C. voters.
Christy Clark epitomizes the “Peter Principle”, in spades.
Yup you might say she has Petered out!
Clark is definitely an embarrassment, a clown really… worst of all is how little she seems to care about this perception. She just seems to be totally oblivious of what a fool she looks like… the woman is an imbecile. Call an election you silly woman.
For me that’s it I agree she is totally oblivious to what a fool she looks like.At the same time I can’t figure out why the party is putting up with her so long other than the fact that there appears to be nobody else lining up for her job.