Christy Clark Loses Another One!

Murray Coell: A Classy Guy!

Speculation has been mounting in the press in recent weeks whether Murray Coell, Saanich North and the Islands MLA would leave politics.

Today he confirmed that we would not run again and joins the growing list of MLAs bailing on Clark!

I did a lot of volunteer work in the old days ( 2001-2004) in Coell’s riding and wish him every success!

Coell is a good guy who works very hard for his constituents and the BC Liberal Caucus will miss him.

( I know you guys will probably comment that I should wash my mouth out with soap for saying nice things about a BC Liberal)

Who will give Clark the high hard one next? Falcon? Coleman?

At this rate one of these guys could leave before the weekend!

What are your thoughts?

4 thoughts on “Christy Clark Loses Another One!”

  1. Coell, like every single one of the BC Liberals, is complicit in the corrupt sale of BC Rail. And now it looks like the BC Libs are about to repeat that slimy process with the corrupt sale of the LDB warehouses.
    You should be ashamed of yourself for promoting this clown in any way: his crooked cronies may miss him, but the sooner the people are rid of him and every other Lib, the sooner we can roll back the sleaze and corruption and begin to rebuild.

    1. I didn’t promote him I said good bye and I agree that the sooner the corruption stops and the corrupted are vanquished to the sidelines we will all be better off!

      I also agree with the process being slimy on the LDB file and I hope the noise from the last few days will stop that from happening.

      If the process stops we will get a truer sense of how deep in the hole we are at budget time. Otherwise the Libs. will have their own fudget budget fiasco if their own.

      I will now wash my mouth out with soap!

  2. Before the weekend?
    How about AFTER May 14th 2013?

    I am suggesting all but 5.

    Here’s hoping the Electorate get informed and get off their collective butts before then!


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