Christy Clark Lied!

Habitual story teller and liar Christy Clark at the Philippine Independence Festival

At the Philippine Independence Day festivities Christy Clark told the Crowd she was the first Premier to visit their country.

Fact check: She wasn’t!

Any junior researcher could have dug these facts up before the Premier’s speech.

Either she was speaking off the cuff once again or she lied.

This is a pattern for Clark who has gaffed and told tales numerous times during her short stint as the BC Liberals wring headed choice for Premier.

If she says it’s an innocent mistake what does this make you think about her reviews and research if they can’t even get this fact right?

Ask yourself this: If she will tell a tale like this how many lies and tales has she told covering up bigger things.

Makes you think it’s time for a public inquiry into BC Rail doesn’t it!

This Premier is an embarrassment to the province and the whole political system.

Imagine how all these people who had their picture taken with her feel. Imagine being shoulder to shoulder with someone who just lied to you with a smile.

She needs to be replaced.

Surely even her party can see that by now!

9 thoughts on “Christy Clark Lied!”

  1. Queen Filipina is right up there with Hilary’s account of sniper fire on the tarmac in Bosnia. Same tired, haggard look.

  2. Kristy Klark is a professional liar… and a colossal twit! Klark simply makes it up as she goes… a pandering fool.

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