Mario Canseco will no doubt be in for another tongue lashing today from simple-minded Premier Christy Clark over the latest Angus Reid poll.
Seems Clark finished right near the bottom ( Since most of you reading think she is a bottom feeder it’s probably an appropriate place).
Actually most people look at her that way as 3 out of 5 constituents disapproved of her!
To put Clark’s accomplishment in perspective both Dalton McGuinty and Quebec’s favorite whipping boy Jean Charest finished ahead of her.
Yesterday we heard from Clark Economic Advisor Jim Shepard who said he wished people would see Clark they way he does.
Uh Jim you might want to remove those rose-colored glasses and get a feel for how the voting public feels.
At some point today you will probably hear Clark say she doesn’t pay attention to poll results.
The genie is out of the bottle on that, given during her last tirade it was revealed that the BC Liberals have hired Angus Reid to do polling in the past.
If you didn’t pay attention to poll results why would you hire polling companies?
What do you think of poll results and in particular what do you think of Premier Clark?
Not much!
Dummy always tells people that she has no interest or belief in polls. Why does she bother to comment on them every time.
I realize that she required someone actually reading the bigger words but she is still listening.
Does one require a brain to be classed as brain dead?
Yes Unfortunately.
While I agree that Kristy Klark should be ranked at the bottom, Im somewhat mystified as to why and how “Redfraud” McTaxy, and Charest could garner the support they did.
Just shows how low she has gone.
Once Alberta finds out Redford can’t hit her election promises she will drop too!
A crook’s Shepard or a shepherd’s crook?
Half a dozen of one or six of the other!
I was polled for this one. I was one of the ones who said they strongly approve of her. Just joking, I was part of the majority who strongly disapproved. It’s not just the premier for me though, they could change leaders and I’d still never vote Liberal again.
You and me both.
Thanks James.
Christy Clark is my “desert Island” politician. If I was stranded on a desert isle,I’d much rather have CC for company than any of the other Premiers.
I just don’t think she’s the least bit qualified to be Premier of BC.
Not much!
Thank you!
I think she did blow him out—caught the last bit of Global news and she defended the poll by saying, “well it was an Ipsos-Reid poll” then gave the trademark smirk. What makes it look worse is that out of the 4 western provinces the other 3 came out ahead in the polls.
Jim Shepard and the new citizens’ support group for Clark will need a lot of group hugs to keep themselves going for the next year. Way to go Adrian!
Thanks again Gloria!
They will need a lot more than hugs!