After waxing poetic earlier in the week about all the talent in the BC Liberal back bench,Premier Christy Clark slapped all but two of them in the face when she played the shell game with 13 recycled and former cabinet ministers.She only added 2 MLAs who were not previously in cabinet.
This is Clark’s idea of renewal?
Clark had a real chance to put fresh faces in the cabinet and quite frankly she blew it.
You have to think that some of this so-called “talent” will take the snub and leave.
All this does is to have new managers available to “court” Exel through the rest of the process to their inevitable take over of liquor distribution branch.
To add further insult to injury Clark attempted once again to ‘bait’ voters with their own money by hinting about tax breaks for families around election time.
Premier Clark seems to repeatedly confuse leadership with bullshit.
We already know the only family she cares about is the BC Liberal family.
When will it stop?
How many more MLA’s will either resign,cross the floor or just plain head for the hills of the heartland?
What are your thoughts?