BC Liberals Shutdown negotiations with Teachers! #bcpoli #bctf #canpoli

Pretty soon BCTFer Susan Lambert will wish this man was Education Minister!

Rich Coleman’s water boy Peter Fassbender put a hold on the bargaining process with teachers today in hopes of imposing I mean negotiating Christy Clark’s nauseating 10 year deal with the teachers.

The proposed deal is nauseating because a) it will probably never happen b) if it ever did it would be broken or torn up long before the 10 years would be up.

In fact if they somehow imposed ( reached) a deal before the next election,it would no doubt become an election issue to cover up the eventual failure of Clark’s LNG pipe dream.

By the time all the hysteria over the 10 year deal dies down, Susan Lambert will no doubt wish she was still dealing with George Abbott rather than Premier Coleman ( should Clark somehow blow the by election) and flunky Fassbender.

Stay tuned I think this issue will get a whole lot more interesting between now and September when the kids are scheduled to return to school.

Fassbender:Madam Lambert You will take the 10 year deal or else!

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