BC LIberal Throness blames sagging poll numbers on irritants

The biggest irritant to the BC Liberal lousy poll numbers is incompetent Premier Clark

BC Liberal candidate today blamed the BC Liberal lousy poll numbers on ” irritants”. He listed such things as HST and a rise in ICBC premiums.

Uh why stop at two Laurie?

What about the BC Hydro Increase? Increased gas taxes? Increased carbon taxes?

What about The senate bill slowed down by Liberal House leader Rich Coleman? Could Coleman have slowed that down for his own benefit?

Or What about the biggest “irritant” of them all? That would be knucklehead Premier Christy Clark; the veritable queen of the gaffe?

Those sagging poll numbers are there not just because of a few minor irritants but because of a high level of incompetence and mistrust of a tired, worn out government.

Have I missed anything?

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