Why else would would they opt for intervener status in the Enbridge oil pipeline proposal.
Not only that but since this is not due to finish until late 2013 they are leaving a hand grenade without the pin for the NDP to deal with.( The dippers are on record as being against this issue which will put them on course for a head on collision with the Harper government should the proposal get “green lighted”)
Before you think I feel bad for the NDP I don’t.
I just think the Clark Government who claims to have a families first agenda,should have at least had some reports or queries to file by the January deadline.
Let’s face it, the Premier is on record saying she will sit squarely on the fence until she sees the results of the study before going one way or another on the issue.
So why not take advantage of the opportunity and at least ask the questions that concern YOU?
Why miss the deadlines Premier?
Better yet if you care so much about the result why not be a government participant in the study?
To me the answer is obvious: The results of the proposal hearing will be released after the election and they know they are going to lose so they don’t care!
What do you think?
The reason for fence sitting is it affords a good take off for kite surfing.as for the pipeline meetings no one has told her about any dodgammed pipes on line so attend what? besides they will be a closed door sessions with no cameras allowed. There fore no crissy.