BC Conservatives: We are Confused! #bcpoli #BCelection2017#BCConservatives

Is he the Leader or isn't he? We are confused!
Is he the Leader or isn’t he? We are confused!

Dan Brooks Leadership
Mr. Dan Brooks continues to be the Leader of the
BC Conservative Party.

There is some confusion surrounding the Leadership
and we are sorting the issues out.

If there are any changes in this regard
we will let everyone know.

From Corbin Mitchell, President
British Columbia Conservative Party

That my friends is the official press release from the BC Conservatives regarding the leadership situation with Dan Brooks.

They ( The Board it seems) is confused with the leadership or Not of Dan Brooks.

He is the leader except they are confused about it.

They go on to say that if they ever become unconfused they will tell you about it.

Are you confused? Why not take out a membership in the BC Conservatives and join like minded people.

They would have been better off to say nothing.

Don’t you think?

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