Here we go again.
Hot on the heels of the Jenny Kwan expense scandal comes BC Speaker of the House Linda Reid with her own rendition of the hit song ” It’s not wrong, it’s within the rules“.
When asked if she would do it again, did she say no?
No she said she would have the conversation with audits to see if the practice would remain the same!
She doesn’t get it!
The sense of entitlement is disgusting and both she and the people that put her in the job should be ashamed.
This is her second go around in the expense trough with the first being the $48,000 touch screen computer terminal.
Linda Reid should do the right thing and step down, resign and leave politics.
If she doesn’t her colleagues ought to shame her into leaving starting with the Premier.
This is a reflection on her government.
Does nobody in the provincial elected house take taxpayers money seriously?
When will it stop?